Chipenzi MacDonald
I hear that the latest is that Given Lubinda is not appointed as acting President for PF but instead, ECL is purportedly still firmly in charge of the PF presidency!
Yet, in the past few days Lubinda has been addressed by some PF members and forums as acting President for PF and that ECL had stepped down.
Lubinda is purportedly to have chaired the PF Central Committee that adopted the Kabwata candidate, Clement Chiti Tembo in his capacity as Acting President for PF.
Perhaps even the Adoption certificate for Clement Chiti Tembo for kabwata on PF ticket was signed by Given Lubinda when both the president of the party, ECL and SG NICKSON CHILANGWA are around town.
Is it this political confusion if it happened that way and isn’t it a violation of not only the PF constitution but party practices too?
Would this happen if the PF was in power where a certificate for candidate adoption is signed by another person outside the president and the SG?
Is it that ECL was afraid of signing the Adoption certificate for CCT for Kabwata for fear of being incriminated as being still in active partisan politics thereby denied access to his retirement benefits and be chased from his rented house?
Is PF in such a leadership quagmire and in such disorientation sure three months after losing state power?
How does PF expect to rebrand itself when it has no SG according to them, No elections chairperson when they know Zambia is an election oriented country, uncertainty on the presidency, no national Chairperson etal?
The nation needs to know who is in charge of the PF currently, ECL or Given Lubinda. We are tired of listening to tongues coming from the PF leadership?
I submit
McDonald Chipenzi