PATRIOTIC Front PF Members of Parliament have announced that they fully support and endorse the appointment of Mr Raphael Nakacinda as Secretary General of the Patriotic Front PF party.
Speaking at a Media Briefing held in Lusaka today, the Members of Parliament led by Mpika MP Hon Francis Kapyanga said that the appointment of Mr Nakacinda could not have come at a better time than now.
Hon Kapyanga recounted that since the demise of PF founding father Michael Chilufya Sata, the only remaining and senior most patriarch of that party is former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu whose wisdom should not be questioned by any party loving member.
On his part, PF Luapula MP Hon Chanda Katotobwe regretted the hooliganism exhibited by embattled Matero MP Miles Sampa who recently led a band of thugs unidentified by the PF leadership to vandalize party property.
Mfuwe MP Hon Maureen Mabonga insisted that there is no such thing as new comers in the PF party as it is a Mass movement by design and as such all who join the party at whatever stage are just as bonafide as those who founded it.
Feira MP Hon Emmanuel Tembo has warned the ruling UPND party and its government to desist from meddling in Students politics as they have done at the University of zambia.
Chama North Member of Parliament Hon Yotam Mutayachalo has expressed disappointment with what he terms as non stately behavior of former Vice President Enock Kavindele who has endorsed the ill treatment of former Republican President Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu by the New Dawn Government.
And Chilubi Member of Parliament Hon Mulenga Fube has charged that the PF party is ready to retake the mantle of national leadership from the ruling UPND as they have terribly failed to steer the country forward.