Banda Sakanya
Copperbelt ~ Kalulushi
Zambians should not loose the ubuntu culture at the expense of politics. We should not allow hate speech supersede our reasoning and auction our brains for the sake of paying our bills and filling up our tummies.
The sad and unwarranted statement that was issued by National Restoration Party (NRP) leader Cosmo Mumba against HH is not only unfortunate but a serious insult and demeaning statement to elders in the country considering that HH is an elder in the church and a family man as well as a leader of a biggest political party in the Country.
Cosmo Mumba said he vote a Dog over HH if they competed in an election.
This is a sad statement coming from a PF surrogate political party that is being sponsored by PF.
It is well understood that the outgoing president ECL has sponsored PF surrogates to mud sling and insult HH as we get closer to 2021.
If we said Cosmo Mumba is a small dog that will vote for its fellow dog, will this statement appeal well in his mind?
Is Cosmo Mumba sure that HH won’t be a republican president when it is people that dicide who should be their president?
Cosmo Mumba should sober up and begin to use his brains to think.
I appeal to PF that it shouldn’t put this country on fire by sponsoring such hoodlums.
PF leadership should stop sponsoring these surrogates or lest they cause civil disobedience.