Home Politics New Heritage Party Please leave umwaiche Jean N’gabwe Chisenga, Mambilima Constituency MP, alone- CHISHALA KATEKA

Please leave umwaiche Jean N’gabwe Chisenga, Mambilima Constituency MP, alone- CHISHALA KATEKA



22 March 2024

A story is told of a conman that came into a town and sold the emperor a ‘cloth’ that one could only see if he was truthful. Everyone, including the emperor, wanting to be seen as ‘truthful’, pretended that they could see the material. The conman made the emperor some clothes from the piece of cloth.

On the set date, everyone was invited to see the emperor’s new clothes. The emperor put on the clothes and went to parade himself to his people. In a bid to appear to be truthful, all the people pretended to love the emperor’s new clothes. One little boy who had come with his father, not seeing any clothes, shouted “The emperor has no clothes!!!!” It was at that point that everyone, including the emperor, stopped pretending and realised that they had been conned.

Pretty much like in our country Zambia. It had to take Zambia’s youngest lawmaker Honourable JN Chisenga, to shout “Ubufiii!!!! Mwalikwata ubufi” for us to admit to ourselves that as country, we have a person that is very economical with the truth for a President.

We have noted that a complaint has been raised by a Mr Emmanuel Banda MP, against the young lawmaker. We also took note of the fact that the Minister of Local Government had also indicated in an interview, that Hon Chisenga, would not go unpunished.

How do you punish someone that is merely telling the truth? Why has our President earned himself the names of ‘Liar’, ‘Bashi Promise’ and ‘John Tushimi’? These are observations made of him by the citizenry!!! Sad as this may be, this is the reality of what our people have observed and now believe of our President.

Please leave umwaiche Jean N’gabwe Chisenga, Mambilima Constituency MP, alone – she is merely expressing the views of her Constituents and others in the country.

President – New Heritage Party


  1. Ba Chishala, when are you ever going to say ifya mano in this country? Really you want to support that kind of hooliganism to be practiced in our Parliament and you call yourself even proudly ati president, new heritage party.
    You are emnbarassing the founder of Heritage party, don’t support this rubbish. Chinjeniko if you want to lead in this country!

    • How sacred is parliament that calling somebody a liar should be an issue, in other parliaments including the one ours is fashioned after it’s worse.
      Not far from here in other parliaments they physically fight.
      If she feels the parliamentary boss is a liar she was right to call him that, he must get what his inner circle can’t tell him.

      • While Parliament affords one certain immunities, decor and own traditional values abhor such outburst ba UN. Freedom of expressions should not be a licence to be disrespectful there is an ettiquette and decor to raise ones decent on an issue such as “vote of thanks” or response to the President’s speech.
        Turning our Parliament into the non sense happening in Congress by Margrete Taylor Green moves the house from its purpose to legislating into a place where people demostrate their antics and non sense. We expect such behave among the literate not the educated who know and are guided by social and set out rules of decor.

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