The Zambia Police has detained former Patriotic Front Deputy Secretary General, Mumbi Phiri.

The Police are accusing Mumbi Phiri of aggravated robbery  charge.

Mumbi is detained at Ibex Hill Police Station in Lusaka and is expected to be transported to Kawambwa soon.


  1. This woman is very stupid and stubborn. She alarmed the situation in Kawambwa that Makozo Chikote had pre-marked ballots. She did not learn anything during the time she was in cells

    • Why is ZO so full of combustible posts? It’s always political supporters threatening or Lambasting opponents: never a progressive discussion on how Zambia can go forward!
      Such negativity gives the impression the forum is for insulting each other by political rivals.

  2. Hakainde, stop this nonsense right now.

    Why have you not arrested Mike Mposha for his illegal activities in Kawambwa? That bye election was full of illegality and crime was committed by ministers and cadres. Why arrest those that were pointing out this crime?

    Stop using the police force as if it belongs to you and your party alone.

    You failed to break Mumbi the first time, you will fail again.

    For the first time in our history, Zambia has so many refugees abroad because of your oppression. I pray the justice system clears this woman of these unjust charges.

    What is wrong with you??

    Just pray you never leave office.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Self imposed refugees running away from the Law because of crimes they committed. Lungu and PF caused this country to be cursed.

    • She should learn to behave like a reformed convict.
      I thought she had learnt her lessons at University of Mukobeko.

      Let her rot in jail this time.

      Who told you it is President HH who arrested and detained her.
      2025 Renew your mannerism, know how to address him.

    • If the economy needs fixing it means someone destroyed it and if someone is failing to fix the economy it simply means that the damage was extremely huge. Therefore continue admitting that you left an economy that was so damaged that it can’t be fixed
      Could you have said what you’re saying in the Defunct TuPF criminals’ government?
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  3. Why is ZO so full of combustible posts? It’s always political supporters threatening or Lambasting opponents: never a progressive discussion on how Zambia can go forward!
    Such negativity gives the impression the forum is for insulting each other by political rivals.

  4. This is a murderer who is only free because of a Nolle Prosequi. Otherwise she’s the one who ordered the murder. Very very dangerous and evil woman. Once sent Mwaliteta to jail because of falsehood. I wish they could jail her for a very longtime

  5. I don’t know why Panga Fools Kept this woman in their ranks at a senior position – deputy secretary general, anyway we had also Lusambo as minister of Lusaka province where the executive, judiciary and legislature sits and home to all foreign embassies. Clearly she doesn’t go along with decency. Oh wait a minute, at some point she wanted to contest for Panga Fools presidency and by extension republican presidency! what the hell Zambia would become.

  6. Mumbi should correct her behaviour and stop acting like ma Baker. Surely this woman is a wife mother and grand mother. Politics should not turn her into a thug. She is so bitter and desperate.


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