Police release Mumbi Phiri after DPP finds “no evidence”



Police in Kawambwa have released Patriotic Front (PF) Member of the Central Committee, Mumbi Phiri, who was facing alleged aggravated robbery charges.

This follows a decision by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Gilbert Phiri, to decline prosecution due to lack of evidence.

Earlier, Diamond News spoke to Ms. Phiri’s lawyer, Celestine Mukandila, who confirmed the release of his client.

Diamond TV



  1. Human Rights 1
    Hakainde 0.

    I think we should have that UN representative permanently stationed in Zambia, until 2026 when we usher in a real proper president.

    We are tired of his imingalato.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Please try to earn respect for yourself otherwise we’ll call you names, Mr. EM. We know who you’re and for the insults you have thrown on the President do you think you can hide?
      If he’s was as cruel as you portray him to be could he have left you alone with all the power and means at his disposal?
      You think that you are so clever? Unfortunately you’re just an idiot enjoying the freedom accorded to you by the same man you hate and insult so much
      He doesn’t mind but we who value him as our great leader are concerned with your stupidity
      Anyway carry on because he’s here to stay even beyond 2031, but I would advise you to die with bitterness instead of suffering the way you’re suffering
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

      • FCB, show me where I have insulted anyone in my post.

        Am I not allowed to say that I am dissatisfied with our president? You want me to lie and praise him like you do?

        The man lied to become president.

        Stop issuing threats otherwise I will report you to the police. But you know you will not get arrested. Your kind insult us every day but your leader has given you immunity.

        Vote wisely in 2026.

        • But your ka PF lied to pipo saying more money in their pockets. PF members waited in vain until in 2021 they decided to join upnd members in kicking out pf.

  2. Ba INDIGO, in your last post you maintained that Mrs. Mumbi Phiri didnot break any law. Why then did she pay ADMISSION OF GUILT FINE?

  3. Ba Indigo, please have some respect, learn to make normal submition without insults.Does it means you grew with people who insulted slot? Ba Mumbi could have unfortunately been in a mix with wrong people and was connected to their bad action.We just have to thank God that the good office of the DPP, not wanting have indicated that.The police observed some conduct likely to breach peace.Mentioning innocent people in your submission is what is wrong.Try to change for better so that we start enjoying well written and sensible submissions.

    • Where have I insulted anyone?

      Point it out to me please.

      It is the praise singers that insult everyone including ECL. Is he less human?

      Vote wisely in 2026.

  4. INDIGO TYROL is a person with no direction. Clearly the fellow is not moved by anything good HH does. Only bitterness moves him. Thats abnormal. Indigo is a consumed citizen whose bitterness after UPND beat PF in 2021 rose to a record high, with a possible place in the Guiness Book of Records, but the rising curve of the bitterness got stuck somewhere in the upper reaches and failed to curve down with time as is normally expected in a normal individual. There is perhaps need to ask the medical world, including soccerers and church pasters if there is a remedy to Indogo’s condition of bitterness. Otherwise we can expect these pages to continue being spoiled by this TB – Tuberculosis of Bitterness, a rare disease so far diagnosed only in 2 persons in Zambia, ECL and INDIGO TYROL. Sory to say.

  5. Hakainde’s Zambia
    Indeed we need the UN Human Rights Rapporteur to be permanently based in Zambia.
    How embarrassing for Mr Hakainde Hichilema to be caught in the very acts of Human Rights Abuse!
    Mr R Patel languishing in some dungeons
    some where over similar fake allegations, shout loud, and many more in similar situations let the volume be heard through to UN, the Savior is here.
    And to the family of the late Kungo savagely murdered by UPND Thugs 4 years ago shout for justice.
    Zambia should have one law, applicable to all.
    Chilekwa is in jail for allegedly murdering ‘Ghadafi’.
    4 years and we still don’t know in which court the suspects in the Kungo murder case, actually caught on camera, are appearing.
    Hakainde’s Zambia
    Vyakulola vye.


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