I have just been called by the assistant Director (A Mr Chikuwa) at fraud and CYBER CRIMES section at Police headquarters in Lusaka in relation to a statement I made over the attack on Mr Sean Tembo who was attacked at the police station in front of officer YUYI by UPND cadres led by Trevor Mwinde.
It must be noted that self defence is provided for in our Laws and the law dictates that the force you use in self defence must be equal to the force used by the aggressor.As a law abiding citizen I will make myself available tommorow to learn what the police have made out of this issue.
Hakainde Hichilema the tinpot dictator.
Zambia and North Korea, kompo kompo.
Vote wisely in 2026.
Mulenya mulelapila
You would have been dead by now in North Korea so it seems you have no idea what you are talking about.
This is the MP who loves attention and recognition. He has been waffling and hallucinating for months now.
Mostly attract attention and wanting to be summoned and write to us about it. To him It is a score!
Same same characteristics with Sean Tembo. I remember Sean Tembo complaining why Police have not arrested him despite various nonsenses he committed deliberately…laughable indeed!
B. Mpundu equally grambles and waffles his imaginary thoughts loudly and carelessly in order to attract thee public
more so the Security Wings.
He has succeeded to day and am sure it goes in his history book as an achievement in 2025 after long time of poking the police.
Being summoned by Police is what he wanted; infact he would prefer a night my ma cells as it counts like a political qualification and experience to him borrowing the notion of Sean Tembo.
Just go to the police to attend to their call out. Why are you scared and talking nonsense?
Do you want us to be informing you as well on how many times we get call-outs from ZP? Just go and attend brother man,we are not interested in your story.
Why are you announcing your police call out Binwell ? You guys rate yourselves as significant. You are useless fellows. You think by being stubborn you are building names ? You will regret your foolishness when you are punished by LAW.
Am just waiting to hear what force you’re going to exert equivalent to what you will be charged, you think you can scare the law,just go and attend to the callout idiot, and you needed officer yuyi to clamp you so that you forget about what ever militia defense you think you can use,you’re an idiot