Home Politics PF Prepare for bad exit, HH warned

Prepare for bad exit, HH warned


Prepare for bad exit, HH warned

A CIVIL society organisation has predicted that President Hakainde Hichilema’s ending will be worse than that of his predecessor, Edgar Lungu because he has adopted hatred, mistreatment and demonising against the immediate past President as the new style of governing the country.

Joseck Kunda, the chief executive officer for the Movement for Promoting National Values and Principles says President Hichilema should prepare himself not only for a bad exit, but booing by citizens.

Mr Kunda, the executive director of a civil society organisation that promotes and protects the rights of refugees said UPND should recognise efforts of other administrations because governance was a continuous process https://epaper.dailynationzambia.com/public/


  1. In spite of all the properties that the Lungu family has forfeited to the state, this id!ot Kunda still thinks there is a witch hunt??? The onus is on the Lungu family to prove they earned the money which they used to buy or build all those properties. HH is not the one who told the Lungu family to go on a stealing spree.

    And for your own information, HH was already wealthy when we elected him to office in 2021. He has no motive to steal.

  2. Ba civil society, that is an uncivilised and prediction. The people of Zambia cast votes on ballot day. Don’t know what you use emotional predictions as your assessments is not any factor in way electrolates cast votes. Had you undertaken a door to door social survey, may be able to you have achieved it a meagre percentage assumption. Study the wind next time you wish to up your civil organisation. Your judgement is under qualified. Bring the nitty gritty progressive public topical matter. Let’s see how be mature is our discourse.

  3. Ignore his prediction at your own peril.
    You don’t need such flamboyant graphs to know your hero is detestable, just walk through any market or kantemba and hear the narrative from the grassroots.

  4. Ati “Civil society organisation that promotes and protects the rights of refugees”. So the PF are now refugees???

    Foolish pfidiot this kinda!!

  5. Mr Joseck Kunda,you seem to be Mr Lungu’s blue eyed boy meaning you eat together.You are a spokes person of Mr Lungu.You think HH hates and mistreats your man and deamonising him,why.Mr Kunda you must realize that Mr Lungu doesn’t show signs of loving himself.Love your self first before others can follow suit in loving you.He was rejected by people of Zambia not long but two years ago in a very humiliating defeat through the ballot.He was supposed to retire from active politics but he decided to show us his appetite for presidence.He feels in the population of Zambia it is only him who can be good for the job.He even chose to do away with his pension wanting “uku bwelela po pamupando” meaning wanting to be back on presidential seat.The question is who is going to vote for him when his name is seriously tainted in mismanaging the resources of the country.Look at recoveries of funds and properties so far made by DEC the indication is he is the kingpin owing to the fact that his family earned a lot of money in few years and is not commensurate to his earnings.In short there is no proper financial explanation on the aquirement of these huge resources.He issues statements of undermining developmental efforts which the government has embarked on.Now how can he not be politically bruised? That is his own choice my man.You feel HH will exit quickly from office because of this.I think the current reasoning exhibited in the country leaves much to be desired honestly.You better find good reasons for your desire.

  6. What values is this confused man promoting? To this misguided individual, holding Mr. Lungu and his family to account is mistreatment and hatred. Someone who entrusted USD400000 to a niece for safekeeping and went on a tour with a huge entourage to “collect” old decommissioned fire tenders at tax payers’ expense should not be held to account? What values is this man promoting? Plunderers’ values?

    All wrongdoers must account for their sins in the eyes of man and of God. The law must be blind to one’s status if the public is to have confidence in our justice system. Mr. Lungu and his family must account for their immense wealth. It is a chance for them to clear their family name.

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