December 21, 2022

In responding to the press conference held by the Republican President yesterday, We surmise that President Hichilema lives in his “OWN MAKE BELIEVE REALITY” far removed from the actual realities facing our people.

The Presidents obsession with the PF is now alarming. The President cannot continue to make PF a standard of his governance and economic success. The people of Zambia said it all on his behalf when they voted the PF out of power. The President should lead the Nation now.

President Hichilema dodged every question asked by the journalists. He did not effectively answer questions on; harmonising his campaign promises, barotseland, high cost of living, impact of load shedding, China, mopani, kansanshi, kcm and fertiliser distribution etc.

“In his usual style, The President took the journalists and the Nation on a wild goose chase to conceal his true thoughts or the lack of if on those key National matters and raised more questions.”

In the Presidents “make believe reality” it’s only his thinking that is true and any other reality is not no matter how it hurts our people. The President only listens to himself and the Cabinet only listens to him. We truly fear for the future of our people.

GPZ, Next Level Zambia!

Silavwe Jackson
Golden Party of Zambia


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