It has come to our attention that the Patriotic Front (PF) are collecting people’s National Registration Cards and Voters Cards.

We wish to warn the people of Zambia against giving out their National Registration Cards and Voters Cards to the PF in exchange for money, food or any other favour.
Note that the PF are very desperate to win the 2021 elections to cover up mostly, their criminal activities.

UPND’s main goal is to recover Zambia’s economic fortunes and not arresting opponents.
The country’s economy has declined so much that we cannot take the arrest of opponents as a priority.

Further, we have received reports suggesting that PF are asking people to submit their old voter’s card numbers for whatever purpose.

Giving out your personal documents is equivalent to assisting the PF to rig elections . It means allowing the PF to continue running down the economy and creating more misery for your children.

It also means the general price of food will go up since PF has no clue about running the economy.

It will mean our children failing to go to school as the case is today where the PF has directed all public insitutions to chase students who have not paid their tuition fees.
Keeping PF beyond 2021 means more corruption and perpetual hunger.

If we want the prices of mealie meal, chicken, beef, tomatoes and general food stuff to go down, let us say no to electoral malpractice.
Issued by:
Stephen Katuka
UPND Secretary General


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