Ramaphosa mourns South Africa’s ‘favourite teacher’ William Smith


President Cyril Ramaphosa has hailed William Smith, who captured hearts and minds of millions with his mathematics and science lessons on television, as a champion of education who demystified subjects that were thought to be difficult by many.

The renowned teacher, who hosted a learning programme on state broadcaster SABC for years, touched the hearts of many who dubbed him South Africa’s favourite teacher.

He received many accolades in his life for innovation in learning, including the prestigious Order of Baobab given by Ramaphosa for his contribution to “teaching and demystifying mathematics and science”. His death was confirmed by his wife, Jessica Smith.

“It is sad that we did not get to spend a lot of time with him after he was diagnosed with cancer. But he lived a full life with no regrets and we will miss him.”

Ramaphosa said that Smith had provided an invaluable service to the country, making mathematics and science simple for both learners and their guardians.

“William Smith was an education and cultural icon to our nation. The outpouring of affection the nation directed at him when he received his National Order demonstrated, years after his retirement, the place he held in people’s hearts.

“He demystified maths and science for his audience, which extended beyond learners to their parents and anyone who wished to revisit these subjects or learn more, long after they had left school,” Ramaphosa said in a statement.

Smith was voted one of the top three presenters on SA television in the 1990s, before he appeared with the late Jeremy Mansfield in the popular TV quiz show, A Word or 2.

Smith was also a businessman and owned the Featherbed Nature Reserve in Knysna.’

In 2021, Smith was given a Doctor of Laws (LLD) (honoris causa) for the Learning Channel program by Rhodes University.


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