I agree one hundred percent with President Hakainde that Zambians are not foolish. President Hakainde said this at the opening of the UPND Secretariat named after that great son of the soil Anderson Kambela Mazoka (AKM). I remember the great AKM would always implore us to never tell lies to the Zambian people.

I agree with President Hakainde that Ma Zambians ba UKA manje. You can no longer lie to the Zambians.

Ba UKA and can see the lack of jobs.

Ba UKA and can see the uncontrolled cholera.

Ba UKA and can see the cost of living.

Ba UKA and can see the cost of fuel.

Ba UKA and can see the cost of unga.

Ba UKA and can see the rising cost of everyday things.

Zambians are not foolish and can see all these things.

The other thing Zambians can see is that President Hakainde spent time saying that he was not afraid of the UKA and that he was ready to face us. This was showboating by President Hakainde. This is a tactic that professional boxers use when they have received a devastating and hurting blow.

You find a boxer who has been hurt will even lean forward to his opponent and shake his head as if to say, “Your blow has not hurt me!” Or “Is that the best that you’ve got?”.

This Is a tactic meant to create and send a wrong message to the referee, judges and your opponent. They do this to try and demotivate the opponent. President Hakainde will wake up (UKA) only to find that he has failed to demotivate us.

At the same opening, President Hakainde said he is not going anywhere. Again I agree with the President that he is going nowhere and unfortunately he will also take the people of Zambia nowhere.

UKA on the other hand is going somewhere. UKA is going to a better Zambia and taking Zambians to peace, prosperity and equality.

What is disappointing about President Hakainde’s statements at the Anderson Kambela Mazoka House opening is that he did not discuss the issues raised in our two pressers;

A. The call of an Indaba under a neutral chair for all citizens to discuss the solving of the many problems we have and to bring new hope to the people.

B. The call for the Barotse issue to be discussed with all parties concerned under a neutral chair. If this is not acceptable to him, what is his alternative suggestion?

C. The setting up of a Marshall Plan for the marginalized and least developed areas of the country.

By Sakwiba Sikota, SC
President- ULP
Interim Chairperson- United Kwacha Alliance, UKA


  1. Expired politician with no value to the nation but only to that which he pretends to see and can’t even see what he can see.

    Surely out of the many leaders, for one to go for sakiii then that in itself is a big problem. A one man unheard party. AYIKONA MAN.

    Surely out of the many leaders, for one to go for changwaaa then that in itself is a big problem because in changwaaa there’s ( ma ruthless brutal killar cadres, in chagwaaa there’ umufwashi who borrowas too much kaloba and corruptly getting from the same for his and personal plus piefu party benefits and failing to payback up to the extent that the creditors or owners nearly grabbed the or government assets were almost grabbed by the creditors like what always happens in our compounds when you borrow kaloba from more than obe person or many people, most people have lost houses and other assets and properties, in changwaa there’s gassing where many innocent people lost their loved ones who were killed, in changwaa there’s regionalism at it’s highest ugly order up to the coll, in changwaa there’s no rule of law and gun culture is the order of the dsy and pangas by cadres among many ugly things.)

    The effects of their brutality and careless borrowing, stealing government funds through inflated contracts which were not even done is being seen now.

    Great thanks to our ALMIGHTY GOD the owner of all that is through our LORD JESUS CHRIST for removing these piefu thugs from power and bringing inn someone who is fixing the damage that theu created and left in the name of President HH.

    Yes it is tough economically but the best is yet to come.

    These thieves are regrouping using propaganda, lies and stollen money and always listerning to any negative talk from the new dawn govt for them to insinuate their agly agenda and manipulate on the truth or things but will not last. The enemy will fall very soon and very soon they will disapear. .

  2. Ba UKA manje. Bana UKA kudara. Zambian people can understand the quality of leaders in the opposition political parties.
    Leaders who are just busy making noise in Lusaka and holding press conferences on social media.The rejected leaders with no voice of leadership. The chancers of opportunities
    God has a future President for us after HH, and not from the current opposition leaders because, they have no vision and all that they know is hunger which people themselves always struggle and work hard to have.
    People expect a politician who come and complete providing roads through out the country
    A politician who can come and encourage each household to do farming by providing at least 4 bags of fertilizer
    Open up more manufactureriing companies in order to create more jobs and promote more competition.
    Not these corrupt, selfish and useless leaders whose vision is to fight the leaders in the government in order for them to take over, as if Zambia only belongs to them

  3. Sakwiba, don’t talk about Ukwa jobs when HH has employed more than 40, 000 people in the civil service since he took office. That’s why he is telling you that Zambians are not stupid! Can’t Ukwa see free education?what about students meal allowances? The Lobito railways. Have you been to chililabombwe ? The road between Chingola and Chililabombwe is done.Do you know how may jobs have been created at Capital Fertilise? Kansanshi expansion and Lumwana? Are you aware that Mopani and Kcm which your chairman at Ukwa closed are now open?

    You will cry in 2026. You supported Lungu’s bill 10! Have you forgotten?

  4. Why don’t you UKA from your slumber and realize that you have no chance to unseat the upnd in 2026 because you have thieves and has beens among your flock.

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