The rudeness and arrogance displayed to the Parliamentary Accounts Committee, by former DMMU Coordinator, Chanda Kabwe, was deeply disturbing.
You see, it was a further revelation of the kind of unprofessional individuals that held high office in Zambia recently.
Now, this is not even about why Mr Kabwe was appearing before the Committee or any substantive matter. It is just that a professional would completely throw out basic decorum in such a formal setting.
So, Mr Kabwe woke up in the morning, and, thinking about a whole Parliamentary Committee, one of the most formal environments in the country, second only to court, he said to himself – ine ndeya mukubebelapo, shifwaya ifyabupuba. And nothing tripped in his mind😮??
Anyway, the Bembas say, uwauma nafyala, ominalimo. Mr Kabwe decided to leave no doubt in the nation’s mind how he should never have held the office he did. He also let it be known how anyone needing to employ an individual to a position requiring maturity, self control and basic emotional intelligence had better give him a wide berth.
God, how did Zambia survive the last few years! Maweee