By Koswe
As stated above. It is indeed true that running a political party and especially opposition in Africa and world over is expensive.
This is why EEP President Chilufya Tayali says POLITICS teyabana iyo.
In order to have funds, some people lose their morals and start engaging in all manner of things including selling of Vaseline, witchcraft or indeed using their own hard earned money.
This is one in the day, people pretend to speak on behalf of the poor but in the night they will be calling the people they call “foreigners” in the day asking for funding including air tickets.
Fred M’membe knows this very well and this is why he has gone begging for funds (hope it’s not dirty funds) from the people he calls ba mwisa when doing local politics.
Off course he has to sit in class and pretend to be in support of their agenda when his eyes are set on their pockets.
And he had just to carry a power bank while in class. – Koswe
So he is a hypocrite and a liar, prevaricator. Someone who wants to pretend to those who are giving him money that he is serving their agenda and one has to ask, what he is telling us inorder to get our votes?
And once he has them. To what extent will he go to lie and stay in office while self serving?
Those around him dont seem to see what kind of a man Fred Mmembe is. Morally bankrupt and seeks to give the impression he is upright