The Southern African Centre For the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD says the landmark Judgement by the Constitutional Court on former President Edgar Lungu has dimistified certain contentious clauses.
SACCORD Acting Board Chair, Humphrey Elekani says that the Judgement given by the Constitutional Court was fair and well researched.
The Acting Board Chair adds that the rulling took into account Judicial Precedence from within and outside the country and sets good precedence for the future.
Mr. Elekani is of the view that the previous Judgement by the Constitutional Court lacked precidence and had ignored certain clauses.
The Acting Board Chair sees the Con-Court’s emphasis on retrospect in it’s rulling delivered on the 10th of December 2024 as one that sets Zambia on a right track and forge ahead.
In his final Judgment, Justice Arnold Mweetwa Shilimi rulled that the Former President Lungu is not eligible to stand for the 2026 and any future elections in Zambia, having held office twice in 2015-16 and from 2016-2021.
And Mr Elekani says that the Country is bigger than an individual further advising the former ruling party not to base their popularity on an individual, but choose a new candidate.
He adds that the opposition must quickly reorganise and offer credible checks and balances to the sitting Government in the run up to the 2026 General Elections.
Mr Elekani however clarified that the Democratic Space in Zambia has not shrunk, but that the ConCourt’s decision has just put the law in right perspective by protecting the originality of the laws of Zambia as enshrined in the 1991 amended Constitution.
It was a self serving judgement. Lungu was not eligible for the 2021 election according to Chizombe.Declaring the 2021 legitimate is a convenience fiction and obviously bad law.
What else would the Court have done ? They are a Kangaroo judiciary!!!!
Plese listen to youself. Selfserving to who?
The court was captured in the past. The captured elements were removed. And the court admits its past mistake. And introspect. In that concession it admits that placing Lungu on the 2021 ballot was wrong and allows that error to stand. If he had won. We would have had an issue. Since he didnt it has no bearing.
It takes a “big person to admit that”. Lets give the court that magnominity for the admission and self cleansing. So you want Lungu to stand for the 4th time? The law doesnt provide for that.
If you’re bitter rise against the judgement so that we beat you up like the way you used to beat us. After all you’re in the minority. Otherwise just chew your bitterness and shut up because we the people are in control