PeP owner Sean Tembo has called for an independent investigation on the suspicious death of President James Lukuku.
A sometimes-sober-guy Tembo says Lukuku’s death must not go uninvestigated especially that he was serious critic of  PF regime.

He writes below:
The untimely death of the Party President for the Republican Progressive Party (RPP), Mr James Lukuku last evening is really disturbing and suspicious.
May His Soul Rest In Peace.

James was a close colleague of mine. I first met him during my stint as a Board Member at the Zambia Centre for Inter-Party Dialogue and that friendship continued to the time that we were in the Opposition Alliance.

In fact, when l left the Opposition Alliance, Lukuku took over the position that l held as Opposition Alliance Spokesperson.


Despite the several public disagreements that my party has had with the Opposition Alliance since our departure, President Lukuku remained a close personal friend and we would always have a side-chat away from the public spats. It is also a well-established fact that Lukuku was a major critic of the PF and its Government.


He was fearless in his political pursuits. He said what he had to say without mincing his words. That is the reason why, to me, his untimely death is suspicious and needs to be fully investigated. A major critic of the Government cannot just drop dead and we treat it as business as usual. No. There has to be a formal independent investigation of the circumstances that led to his death and what was the cause and manner of his death.


The public needs to be informed of the findings of such an investigation. We are not accusing anyone here. We are simply saying that President Lukuku’s sudden death is very suspicious. That is all we are saying.
May His Soul Rest In Eternal Peace.


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