In a shameless stunt, the Tonse Alliance Spokesperson, Sean Tembo attacked the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Commissioner, McDonald Chipenze demanding that he resign for once having expressed political interest to contest elections on the United Party for National Development (UPND) ticket.
The Tonse Alliance and Socialist Party almost hijacked the ECZ most important engagement focused on “Briefing of Polling Agents, Election Agents, Observers and Uniformed Staff.”
During the question and answer session, the SP’s Pastor and Sean “Zero” Tembo ignored raising questions related to the training, but instead attacked the ECZ.
But, ECZ Commissioner, Major General Vincent Mukanda put his foot down and demanded that those people with personal issues needed to keep their non-productive issues to themselves.
Further, Major General Mukanda encouraged the stakeholders to keep their eyes on the very important democratic engagement and stay away from the temptations of turning the meeting into a wild political showdown.
As per mandate, the ECZ held a very important stakeholders meeting at St. Mary’s Secondary School today ahead of the Kawambwa Central Parliamentary by-elections slated for 20th December 2024.
Aba nabo!
A case of when you keep crying wolf. Even when you will have something serious to say. People will ignore you cause of the noise and false alarm you have made in the past.
Moral of the story….empty cans. Make the most noise. Now Set you have become politically irrelevant