Chitambala Mwewa writes…

LUSAKA City Council should not name roads after just “anyone”. There should be a criterion… a principle or standard.

Roads should be named after notable Zambians that have made positive and significant contributions to our communities. There is a letter that has been circulating on social media, purportedly from the Town Clerk’s office, stating that Cosmo Mumba has lobbied for a road to be named after himself and that it has been approved.

The question is…What has Cosmo Mumba done to deserve the status of a road being named after himself? Cosmo Mumba is a watered down version of an irresponsible citizen that has no moral compass. He faded from the Zambian political scene in 2015 after Tayali took over from where Cosmo left.

The only difference between Tayali and Cosmo is that..Tayali knows how to use Facebook but Cosmo is clueless in that regard. Cosmo Mumba was known for psychotic behavior that left everyone speechless. And this is the same man that Lusaka City Council has decided to name a road after in Makeni. Shameful.

This means there is no standard, there is no vetting process at Lusaka City Council…any criminal, any joker, any mad person can have a road named after them…as long as they pay K5000.On this one.. Ba LCC you’ve blundered. This decision MUST to be reversed otherwise Lusaka will be full of roads named after trouble makers and political conmen.



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