GUEST ARTICLE: What you need to know about Aflatoxin
SOME Zambians think Aflatoxin in mealie meal that killed 500 dogs is a chemical added to mealie meal. “NO”
A very big “NO”, politicians are spreading Ignorance to the public instead of teaching the public what Aflatoxin is and how to avoid it. I will help you to explain what Aflatoxin is and how it comes.
(1) POVERTY HABITS: Most Farmers due to high levels of poverty in many areas, they tend to harvest their maize or groundnuts or even soya beans early, that is before they are fully dry in the field. When you pack them in sacks, the produce will start developing fungi which leads to Aflatoxin production.
(2) STORAGE: Storing wet maize or groundnuts can cause the growth of fungi and other forms of fungi like Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, which produce Aflatoxin. In chinyanja “vimaola” when you eat them vibaba “bitter”
However, because farmers want fast money, they harvest early before it’s fully dry and start selling. But because FRA doesn’t buy wet maize, they rush to briefcase buyers and millers who buy in bulk without inspection and store the produce which is wet for a long time and it goes bad like I explained point (2). Now when it goes bad, millers mix the bad ones with good maize to avoid loss.
The main culprit here is an impatient FARMER, but because government cannot control who you sell your produce to, the millers become the second culprit for storing wet farm produce to feed the public when it has gone bad. Don’t fall for cheap politics to make it look like government is adding poison to mealie meal. I am speaking as a citizen who is knowledgeable and not a politician. We have all seen maize which is rotten but you don’t know what we call it in scientific terms.
We call it chuku in chinyanja. Ma 1990/2000 sumungavizibe.
CREDIT: Author unknown
Well explained
Well explained
What relevance do the images of affected products have ? Where and when were those pictures taken ? To the best of my knowledge FRA Buyers/ Clerks at Satellites screen grain before accepting the purchase. By the way do our facilities still have any stocks from previous harvesting seasons? Don’t Millers screen their grain before processing and even checking quality of mealie meal they produce ? Most of the symptoms of consuming the stuff may take too long to manifest among victims, what is Minister thinking about it ?Dogs have died ,owners have lost their beloved pets ,what next ?What measures are being put in place to deter recurring of the incident ?Are the responsible Millers cautioned or left off the hook ? Is the Minister of Agriculture doing his job well ? Is the Millers Association doing anything to protect consumers ? I believe this incident should have been prevented going by the images we are seeing here in relation to the issue at hand.
What relevance do the images of affected products have ? Where and when were those pictures taken ? To the best of my knowledge FRA Buyers/ Clerks at Satellites screen grain before accepting the purchase. By the way do our facilities still have any stocks from previous harvesting seasons? Don’t Millers screen their grain before processing and even checking quality of mealie meal they produce ? Most of the symptoms of consuming the stuff may take too long to manifest among victims, what is Minister thinking about it ?Dogs have died ,owners have lost their beloved pets ,what next ?What measures are being put in place to deter recurring of the incident ?Are the responsible Millers cautioned or left off the hook ? Is the Minister of Agriculture doing his job well ? Is the Millers Association doing anything to protect consumers ? I believe this incident should have been prevented going by the images we are seeing here in relation to the issue at hand.
Very correct,this is the true science which farmers must understand.This is very important.If maize is not very dry it can be subjected to heating using microwave.But you don’t put the one that has already fungal infection in microwave no and no.For tho who want to know and understand this science, you may check on Science direct on the internet.Journal of cereal Science Volume 103, Januy 2022 103293.You may realize that this has happened before in many countries and it is taken seriously as a danger to humans and animals.Please make an effort to search for this literature before you may start sending falsehood and fake narratives against your government especially you educated politicians.Don’t find an opportunity to gain political mileage out of this occurance.It has to pass and we learn better ways of preserving our grains and groundnuts.Don’t harvest maize too early before moisture content has dried to acceptable levels for quick money no.
Very correct,this is the true science which farmers must understand.This is very important.If maize is not very dry it can be subjected to heating using microwave.But you don’t put the one that has already fungal infection in microwave no and no.For tho who want to know and understand this science, you may check on Science direct on the internet.Journal of cereal Science Volume 103, Januy 2022 103293.You may realize that this has happened before in many countries and it is taken seriously as a danger to humans and animals.Please make an effort to search for this literature before you may start sending falsehood and fake narratives against your government especially you educated politicians.Don’t find an opportunity to gain political mileage out of this occurance.It has to pass and we learn better ways of preserving our grains and groundnuts.Don’t harvest maize too early before moisture content has dried to acceptable levels for quick money no.
Some farmers do this deliberately coz the maize is a bit heavy when it’s not very dry so they sale in that state to make more money. Millers come to learn of this later and fail to discard it completely as explained above.
Some farmers do this deliberately coz the maize is a bit heavy when it’s not very dry so they sale in that state to make more money. Millers come to learn of this later and fail to discard it completely as explained above.
There is too much laizerfaire in our agencies.
The law and processes are there for a reason. Safe guard human life. We have a tendency if be dismissive of processes and the law. And these are the consequences. 400 dogs will the miller compensate the dog owners. Those animals have as much right to life and humans. Where are the animal rights activitist? While the vet Assocation had spoken out. But the miller failed to screen and ensure that the maize, beans were safe for consumption as an animal science graduate Peter was reckless.
The Milliers of the contanimated maize need to be held to a higher standard. Lets follow the production chain and hold people accountable. That is the essence of these organisation. Sweeping issues under the table is criminal and leaves people with illnesses that can cause irrepairable damage.
All millers named should vetted. Those claiming product is safe while not should be held criminally liable. Jokers out. Lives are at stake.
Cops and anyone aiding to hide these criminals should also be held accountable.
There is too much laizerfaire in our agencies.
The law and processes are there for a reason. Safe guard human life. We have a tendency if be dismissive of processes and the law. And these are the consequences. 400 dogs will the miller compensate the dog owners. Those animals have as much right to life and humans. Where are the animal rights activitist? While the vet Assocation had spoken out. But the miller failed to screen and ensure that the maize, beans were safe for consumption as an animal science graduate Peter was reckless.
The Milliers of the contanimated maize need to be held to a higher standard. Lets follow the production chain and hold people accountable. That is the essence of these organisation. Sweeping issues under the table is criminal and leaves people with illnesses that can cause irrepairable damage.
All millers named should vetted. Those claiming product is safe while not should be held criminally liable. Jokers out. Lives are at stake.
Cops and anyone aiding to hide these criminals should also be held accountable.
The GRZ must come down hard on briefcase buyers. These people entice desperate small scale farmers to start selling their maize as early as May/June. At that time, as it has been stated, the maize is not fully dry. Unfortunately effective control will be a tall order given the rampant corruption that is now part of Zambia’s DNA.
The GRZ must come down hard on briefcase buyers. These people entice desperate small scale farmers to start selling their maize as early as May/June. At that time, as it has been stated, the maize is not fully dry. Unfortunately effective control will be a tall order given the rampant corruption that is now part of Zambia’s DNA.
The fact is, if you are a small scale farmer and leave your maize in the field for a long period, it will be stolen. That is the sad reality in Zambia. Thieves are lurking at every corner to rob you of the sweat of your brow.
So, small scale farmers donot harvest their crop prematurely because of greed, rather they want to avoid loss through theft.
The fact is, if you are a small scale farmer and leave your maize in the field for a long period, it will be stolen. That is the sad reality in Zambia. Thieves are lurking at every corner to rob you of the sweat of your brow.
So, small scale farmers donot harvest their crop prematurely because of greed, rather they want to avoid loss through theft.
What a shame, you waste your precious time writing non logical article
What a shame, you waste your precious time writing non logical article
Before we start demonising the poor farmers, lets try to understand the situation on the ground.
This has never before happened in the past. The current drought has caused a shortage that needs to be overcome urgently. All stake holders have been doing their part in order to avert a national disaster. We are, after all, in a state of emergency. These are the unfortunate consequences…
Before we start demonising the poor farmers, lets try to understand the situation on the ground.
This has never before happened in the past. The current drought has caused a shortage that needs to be overcome urgently. All stake holders have been doing their part in order to avert a national disaster. We are, after all, in a state of emergency. These are the unfortunate consequences…
Very educative article. But the blame should be on the millers. Yes when maize was sold was with high moisture level but not rotten or with fugus. Otherwise miller’s would 8have bought the maize. So assume the rot took place in the hands of millers. Due to selfishness and most mills are owned by foreigners they don’t mind grinding rotten maize into meals. Believe me they buy the maize with hig moisture content cheaply. To make the matters worse with tye drought we experienced the miller’s were getting in the name of maize.
Very educative article. But the blame should be on the millers. Yes when maize was sold was with high moisture level but not rotten or with fugus. Otherwise miller’s would 8have bought the maize. So assume the rot took place in the hands of millers. Due to selfishness and most mills are owned by foreigners they don’t mind grinding rotten maize into meals. Believe me they buy the maize with hig moisture content cheaply. To make the matters worse with tye drought we experienced the miller’s were getting in the name of maize.
hh government bought maize with poison
hh government bought maize with poison
hh government sold good maize to Tanzania and bought maize with poison called aflutoxing and dogs and people’s life is in danger ,so far more than 400 dogs have died and people are worried
hh government sold good maize to Tanzania and bought maize with poison called aflutoxing and dogs and people’s life is in danger ,so far more than 400 dogs have died and people are worried