Dear Editors, kindly help publish for me so that Zambians can hear me out.

Whatever my husband said in the video is wrong I was not having s*x with ba James(Benz driver) when he found us in room 18.

Ine am a bussiness lady I sale blankets so ba James(Benz driver) came to the lodge so that I can show him the types of blankets in the room which I’m selling and those c*ndoms we also just found them there they had not cleaned the rooms after people had checked out.

My husband is sick, selfish and I will sue him for defaming ba James(Benz driver) because he is a good man and very innocent. Please people don’t believe my sick husband l left his house long ago as i speak to u now we are on separation even.

I am a very respectful and responsible woman in society, i mingle with very prominent people.
I also apologize to my family and friends for this. The devil is out attacking innocent people.


  1. You are lying, on one side you are saying you left him along time ago and on another side you calling him my sick husband. Is it ex-husband or husband?
    Seperation is not divorce both of you cant involve in any sex outside your marriage it is adultery.
    Why sue your husband for defaming Mr.Benz? Tell Mr Benz to sue your husband for defamation.
    The truth is Mr. Benz as at now he is slowly surely pulling out of your life. And he may not want to do anything with you any more. And Mr.Benz will soon lose alot of male friends it natural for married men don’t like associating with men who sleeps with other men’s wives.
    To protect his life Mr Benz will soon leave u, so if you think by being freely available will excite Mr Benz you are totally wrong, mark my words. He has no emotions attached in that relationship.

  2. You are lying, on one side you are saying you left him along time ago and on another side you calling him my sick husband. Is it ex-husband or husband?
    Seperation is not divorce both of you cant involve in any sex outside your marriage it is adultery.
    Why sue your husband for defaming Mr.Benz? Tell Mr Benz to sue your husband for defamation.
    The truth is Mr. Benz as at now he is slowly surely pulling out of your life. And he may not want to do anything with you any more. And Mr.Benz will soon lose alot of male friends it natural for married men don’t like associating with men who sleeps with other men’s wives.
    To protect his life Mr Benz will soon leave u, so if you think by being freely available will excite Mr Benz you are totally wrong, mark my words. He has no emotions attached in that relationship.

  3. Is this the only explanation you can conjour up? I hope your husband has left you for good so that you can be with benz driver and finish his money instead of your husband’s. Ungrateful woman!

  4. Is this the only explanation you can conjour up? I hope your husband has left you for good so that you can be with benz driver and finish his money instead of your husband’s. Ungrateful woman!


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