By Field Ngoma.
It is not long ago when the nation was treated to a bizarre incident where the ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Mr. Kryticals Nshindano collapsed on the podium while addressing political party representatives at a stakeholders consultative meeting.

Now, at the weekend, the nation was treated to yet another incident where the Finance Minister collapsed on the podium at an IDC prize giving ceremony in Livingstone. Are these incidences a coincidence, mfwiti mfwiti or something is brewing in PF? My guess is that probably it is stress going by the pressure of the two potifolios the two gentlemen hold.

Mr. Nshindano is being pressured by the ruling establishment to manipulate an electoral process which the general citzenry have overwhelmingly resolved to defend. A tall order indeed that can give someone enough stress to collapse unless he is a die hard Bowman Lusambo who is trained in the rough terrain of street hustle.

Our Finance Minister on the other hand has to contend with debt default and being coerced to use NAPSA funds to purchase a loss making Chrismar Hotel whose real value is less than US$ 5 million, if you take into account the liabilities, at a colossal sum of US$ 18 million of taxpayers money.
Mr. Bwalya Ng’andu is a fine gentleman who doesn’t fit the cut of the pf cloth when you consider the Kampyongos, Lusambos, Findlays and other corruption kiingpins of pf.

It doesn’t surprise one that he couldn’t take the pressure any longer and his body had to give in. I do not doubt that the nation is yet to see other ‘ collapses’ at the rate we are going. The pressure in pf has gone beyond and what we are seeing is nothing than the symptoms of the stress within pf functionaries. Tiye nayo!


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