By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
It has been the worst kept secret. It’s out.
Anyway, today marks the beginning, and not an end, to the question of eligibibility, and more petitions.
The Constitutional Court has allowed itself to run a circus on this matter.
The question of Edgar Lungu’s eligibility has been heard, determined, judged and settled four times in the past, as in the cases of Danny Pule & Others, Aubrey Bampi Kapalasa, Sishuwa Sishuwa, Legal Resources Foundation and Chapter One Foundations.
The verdict has been consistent. But the quest has been to do ask the same question again and again until a different answer is obtained.
What was sad was President Hakainde Hichilema had to fire 3 Constitutional Court Judges to achieve this desecration and sham of the outcome today.
But make no mistake, because the Constitutional Court has allowed itself to be a tool of the Executive, it runs like a headless chicken.
It will take a long-time to get it right and and earn a respectable place in the Justice system in Zambia.
Everyone says; “Respect the Judiciary, accept its decsions” can you respect an entity that doesn’t respect itself, that becomes part of lawlessness, that fails to deliver Justice, the very reason and purpose it was created to exist?
President Hichilema has demonstrated that he is willing to sacrifice the independence of democratic institutions such as Parliament, the Judiciary, the Electoral Commission of Zambia, the Registrar of Societies and others jusy to achieve a selfish political goal of destroying credible Opposition.
However today’s choreographed event brings more shuffling and shifting of opportunities in the Opposition presidential race.
Lungu planned for all these by making sure the judgment was made on his favor. Why the three judges were fired, because they are the ones who played part in passing the judgment in favor of Lungu.
Mr. Mwamba for once I agree with you in as far as during the time of PF.
What I fund ironic in your admission is the fact under PF ill qualified individuals were appointed and allowed to abuse the courts by setting their own petty judgements to favour Lungu as highlighted in the out come of the 3 Judges attempt to sue the state over their removal.
We also read, of shannigans wherein KBF was involved in waking up Judges to sign documents at night. A case that needs further exploration.
Just these kinds of improiety bring into question the conduct of Judges and the slant they place in conduct of the courts.
Chizombe, a Zambian Citizens has sued. How many times did Mmembe raise issues on the Liquidation of the Weekly Post? All those are avenues as citizens we can take to seek justice. Remember law is not an imperical science. Its is not Maths, Chemistry, Physics or biology that you can imperically quanitfy. Its a social science. And depending on the questions you ask. The answers vary. But it has priniciples that govern the outcome of a perspective. Underlying priniciples. So while it was ok for PF to abuse the courts.
It should be ok, that we ask for a fresh set of eyes devoid of prejudice to look at the facts.
Eat humble pie Mwamba. You rigged, beat, stole, lied……the list go on. But now God almighty has come to Zambia’s rescue as always. Third terms don’t happen in Zambia because the LORD protects us for we are a very prayerful nation. If the LORD so wishes all of you thieves and propagandists might go to jail…and I pray it happens so that you learn never to afflict the Lord’s children again.
Mr Mwamba. Go and take some sleep, seeing that you have had none in the past one month. It’s good for your health.