The continuing arrests of PF members cannot be said to be a blessing in disguise rather it is a curse- Nason Msoni


The continuing arrests of PF members cannot be said to be a blessing in disguise rather it is a curse and a serious indictment on all of them collectively.

No political party with such incriminating credentials can honestly bounce back in government in 2026.

The assertion that the continuing arrests of PF members is a blessing in disguise by the party chief whip and Mporokoso member of parliament Hon Brian Mundubile is rather unfortunate statement and is totally misplaced.

We rather think that this should be a sobering moment for individuals to self introspect on their previous behavior and conduct whilst in government.

No one believes that the PF would behave any differently if given a second chance to be in government.

In a nutshell, the PF will do itself a favor by disowning suspected corrupt members instead of going to give solidarity to suspects.

The sustained solidarity and side shows of its senior leaders at police stations and courts is a clear testament that this party is not ready to denounce the criminality of its members.

Truth be told it was organized criminality and corruption in the PF government that cost them 2021 general elections.

Nason Msoni


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