The culture of insults is worrisome …as he urges government to act, says Tayali

    Chilufya Tayali

    The culture of insults is worrisome, says Tayali
    …as he urges government to act
    The escalating insults and lies about leaders by youths makes sad reading and only government can put a stop to this, says Economic Progressive Party (EPP) president, Chiluya Tayali.

    Mr. Tayali was commenting on a video making rounds on social media where a suspected PF cadre is insulting a named opposition political party leader. He was of the view that insults and lies about individuals must have no room in politics.

    He bemoaned the escalating abuse of the freedom of expression and urged government not to compromise, but act to preserve the norms of society. He said that government must not be mute even if insults are not directed at them.

    He stressed that anyone found wanting must face the law without segregation. “Government must not be mute when their own insult. It must not only act when an opposition member insults in public,” he said.

    According to him the culture of insults was more rampant between the PF and UPND. He therefore appealed to leaders of both parties to act and bring the perpetrators to book.

    And Lusaka province OF youth secretary Mulenga Kayula has described the culture of insults as unfortunate. According to him, the culture of insults must not be condoned and those perpetrating the vice must be aware that the law would catch up with them. He said that the law was very much in force and anyone found abrogating the law must be persecuted.

    He insisted that both ruling and opposition party youths must therefore restrain themselves and avoid peddling insults. -Millennium Radio



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