The drive to destroy PF has been done by active participation of some rogue members of the Party- Amb.  Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb.  Emmanuel Mwamba

Shameful Display of Opportunism;The drive to destroy the Patriotic Front has been done,not only by the State, but sadly, by active participation of some rogue members of the Party.

The idea is to obliterate the Opposition by the abuse of the law, the carrot and stick, and by the use of combination of brutal and hard, and soft methods.

So far the National Assembly, the Registrar of Societies, the Electoral Commission of Zambia have criminally, collaborated to destroy the PF but with collaboration of some PF Members of Parliament.

This has disoriented ordinary members, frustrated followers and disenchanted Zambians as a deliberate sense of hopelessness is being induced.

The goal is to destroy any credible competition and competitors by 2026.

In this video,although Andrew Lubusha was removed as Eastern Province Provincial Chairperson months ago, he has joined the UPND in Petauke but masquerading as holder of his old position.

Anyway, Someone tried all these tricks in Senegal, locking up opponents, banning the Opposition, and dividing the Opposition in Senegal, but was shocked that the country made decisions within last ten days of the election campaign period.

But Zambians, guided by the Almighty God will have a final say.


  1. Go to hell Emmanuel mwmba, you shi**t hell bent on spreading lies through mouth and ass. You want your cheap propaganda destroy our peaceful country.

  2. If there any individuals who eill contribute to the comets downfall of PF and it’s death is,
    1. Emmanuel Mwamba who was MMD member and late president Fredrick Chiluba’s presidential spokesperson. Emmanuel Mwamba was Chiluba in state house even the time of his death which he knows very well.

    2. Raphael Nakachinda who is at times, i heat is a pastor and if indeed he is I don’t know how he preaches in his only known chechi. Raphael Nakachinda was MMD Secretary General in the New Deal MMD but shamefully within the party and even the issue of party vehicles, this one i think it is following him and we will know the truth.

    3. The vomiting members like mutototo, kapyanga, mumbi phiri and the snake himself – iwe boss iwe isa kaili tumfwane.

    These! Nipano tuli

  3. there any individuals who will contribute to the downfall of PF and it’s complete death is,
    1. Emmanuel Mwamba who was MMD member and late president Fredrick Chiluba’s presidential spokesperson. Emmanuel Mwamba was with president Chiluba in state house even at the time of his death which he knows very well.

    2. Raphael Nakachinda who is at times, i heat is a pastor and if indeed he is I don’t know how he preaches in his only known chechi. Raphael Nakachinda was MMD Secretary General in the New Deal MMD but shamefully he brought alot of confusion within the party and even the issue of party vehicles, this one i think it is following him slowly, we will know the truth.

    3. The vomiting members like mutototo, kapyanga, mumbi phiri and the snake himself – iwe boss iwe isa kaili tumfwane.

    These! Nipano tuli

  4. The real rogue members of the PF Party are those who refused to hold elections for a PF president after charging candidates K 200,000 as a fee to participate in this elections. The failure to hold elections for a PF president is the root cause driving the destruction of PF. As usual liar Mwamba now wants to blame decent members of PF who were frustrated by the lies and self-serving interests of Mwamba and his factional members!!

  5. Who would want to get involved competing with the obligation of PF, when PF itself is in full swing trying to out do one another with leadership and factionalism openly end up with 3 presidents; 3 SG’s and 3 Dep SG’s?

  6. Mwamba, PF was and still is a curse to Zambia. We don’t need PF to have democracy. PF should be uprooted and thrown into the dumpster. People who address you as an ambassador are equally hopeless. Grow up!

  7. Emmanuel, you are a disgrace, a self-centered opportunist without an ounce of shame. Instead of writing all this nonsense just tell us your personal experience with FTJ and how he died.

  8. Mr. Mwamba sounds more of an idiot nowadays. He seems to suffer from either political amnesia or impotence.
    He’s forgotten about the PF Mingalato in destroying the UPND and other political parties. You should understand that the following individuals were in opposition at one point;
    1. Bowman Lusambo – MMD
    2. Gunyu Masaka – MMD
    3. DR. Canicius Banda – UPND
    4. GBM – UPND
    5. Kambwili – NDC
    6. Charles Kakoma – UPND
    7. And many more….
    It’s utter stupidity for Mwamba to to complain about the very practice that PF used to maximum effect on the opposition. Moreover, he didn’t complain when PF was destroying others with this method. Welcome to the opposition

  9. As usual Mr. Mwamba is deliberately ignoring the main problem in PF. Maybe he should be reminded that the problems in PF are due to failure to elect new leaders, even after aspiring candidates for presidency had been made to pay a whooping K200,000 for a contest that has to date not been held.

  10. Mr. Mwamba time is now catching up with you, don’t even look at the innocent MPs, look at yourself. PF has been destroyed by you people especially the three if not four of you, Emmanuel Mwamba who is yourself, Raphael Nakachinda, Given Lubinda, Mundubile and the your Boss himself. You like having your own plans which don’t take you anywhere, like now instead of reorganizing the party, ati we shall plan B. How does plan B work out for a disorganized party? Teeti fibombe.

  11. The most useless propagandist and idiot ambassador emmanuel mwamba, chief of lies, always alarming the nation on primitive and pet issues that are extracted from his mad head,stop the nonsense idiot, can you now respond to the issue of unhrc since the UN and the government have responded to your propaganda, shame on you a former ambassador with no brain

  12. Don’t worry Ambassador Mwamba, the Americans once said “politics is a dirty game, but Upnd’s and Hichilema’s politics is extra dirty! Hichilema and his Upnd have tried so hard to kill PF but have failed, instead they have killed their own Upnd. And now they have just realized they don’t have much time remaining between now and the next elections in 2026. It’s just a few months away. And the only thing they have achieved is ridicule from Zambians, because they have brought too much suffering, too much hunger and too much tribalism and nepotism. Hence making them hated by Zambians, and PF and Edgar Lungu more liked and popular. So 2026 kuya bebele. Upnd is dead on the ground! Completely dead. And after Upnd loses in 2026, they will be de-registered for abrogating the Zambian constitution left right and centre! All those faked and rigged elections like Kwacha (in Kitwe) , Kabushi (Ndola) , Kawambwa constituencies will be reversed and the MPs will have to refund all the money they have earned during their time in parliament. Those are the wages of cheating!

    • You and your friends: M kalengo,Mankambizi,Ngoma Yamaano, James,Konto, Chester,CHIMBWI NO PLAN, Eagle, Citizen, Trywell hakwasiya, Mandanda,and the like.
      Are good people. What is driving your thinking is insecurity. You think you cannot win elections if you had strong competition on a level playing field. This has led to your”guard dog” response to views different from yours and to the rigging every election.
      Plead with your government to stop embarrassing us. We are a civilised people!!!

  13. So you know who they are why don’t you kick them out? Or maybe you are also secretly happy with what they are doing as they will help to get rid of lungu from the helm thereby giving you and other contenders a chance at the PF presidency.

  14. Monze Sec School 1st Alumnus, I don’t agree with your line of thinking where you are saying that we think we cannot win elections if we had a strong competition on a level playing field. And this has led to our”guard dog” kind of response to views different from ours and to the rigging of every election. This statement is far from being true, Lungu and his PF were defeated in 2021 and UPND won the elections. You can agree with me that in Africa, it’s not easy to defeat the incumbent whilst in opposition, but HH in opposition managed to defeat Lungu who was in power with a very big margin. So if you are talking of a strong completion, I believe the completion was more strong in 2021 than it is now and in 2026. Right now, PF is disintegrated into three factions with three party presidents therefore dividing the 1.8 m votes which a united PF had gotten in 2021. When you come alliances, it’s even worse because everyone wants to be the president of the Alliance and a presidential candidate in 2026. This time around, there is no opposition leader or party that can give a strong competition to HH and UPND. They say; united we stand and divided we fall, PF is greatly divided and it has fallen, it had a better chance of defeating UPND when it was still united and in power, but not now in its divided state, it’s not possible. Can’t you see what is happening in Petauke right now, many of your people and MPs have found UPND far more attractive than your PF. The trend or picture won’t be any different in 2026 which is just next year. So why and how can UPND even think of rigging when signs of winning are already visible. Moreover, PF’s membership has also significantly dwindled since 2021 while that of UPND has significantly increased. Politics is a game of numbers and where can you get those numbers to enable you win the next election? And in that case, where can the fear for UPND come from? Actually most Zambians are thanking the Con Court for its ruling which barred Lungu from standing in 2026, it saved him from another humiliating defeat in August, 2026.

  15. PF was killed by Mr. Lungu with the active participation of Mr. Lubinda. Mr. Lungu’s deception of “retiring” from politics is what killed the PF.

    If Mr. Lubinda had had the courage to go ahead and hold a convention to elect new leaders after Mr. Lungu retired from politics, PF would be standing tall and strong with fresh blood instead of the same tired old hags who led it to its ignominous defeat, the likes of Messrs Lungu, Lubinda, Nakachinda, Mwamba.


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