The National Assembly ratifies the appointments of Denny Kalyaya, Felix Nkulukusa, Mulilo Kabesha and Marshal Muchende

The National Assembly has today ratified the nominees for the position of Attorney General, Solicitor General , Secretary to the treasury and Bank of Zambia governor.

Those ratified are Attorney General Mulilo Kabesha, Solicitor General Marshal Muchende, Secretary to the treasury Felix Nkulukusa and Bank of Zambia governor Denny Kalyalya.

There were divisions in the house as members of Parliament from the left and right debated on the report of the Select committee on the nominees.

According to the leader of the opposition in house Brian Mundubile, those nominated for the position of Attorney General and Solicitor General were active members of the UPND.

Shiwang’andu member of Parliament Steven Kampyongo said Mr Kabesha and Muchende would most likely lack professionalism in discharging their duties.

Kabushi member of Parliament Bowman Lusambo said the appointment of the two who were lawyers by profession was as good as appointing party cadres to serious public office.

But Justice minister Mulambo Haimbe said that the two individuals affiliation to the UPND should not exclude them from being appointed into public office.

And finance minister Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane said he was happy with the nominees for the position of BOZ governor and secretary to the treasury.

And Infrastructure development minister Charles Milupi said the PF should not be hypocritical as they also appointed party members to public offices.

-Daily Nation


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