Home Politics UPND The severest drought in recent history occurred in 1991/1992 agricultural season- Amb....

The severest drought in recent history occurred in 1991/1992 agricultural season- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

The severest drought in recent history occurred in 1991/1992 agricultural season.

The 1991-1992 drought: One of the worst droughts in the country’s history, affected over 4 million people out of a population of 7.8million at the time.
It caused widespread food shortages.

The recent 2015-2016 drought 2019-2020 and 2023-2024 drought severe drought, caused by the El Niño and La Niña weather patterns, affected nearly millions of people and caused crop failures and water shortages.

The 2024 drough expected to affect 29% crop failure while the 1991 affected over 50% crop failure.

The country si implementing the Zambia Drought Management System (ZADMS).

Despite the past efforts from various partners and institutions to strengthen drought preparedness and response strategies, there is a significant lack of promoting integrated end-to-end solutions in drought management efforts.

We await details and measures from this Government to prevent food shortages and famine that may occur.


  1. So how does that help us as a country with the challenges we are face caused by the current drought by debating which drought is worse?
    It’s like some people just hate this country that they are willing to do anything to see it burn for them just to feel good.

  2. They don’t hate the country but the President. They just don’t believe he is the President and they shall never be no matter what.
    Talking about hunger and drought it is true 2024 is the worst drought so far. Comparing it with statistics of 1991 is just crazy! 33 years past!That time even one province could feed the Nation. One thinks life then can be compared to now… that’s crazy! For example Lusaka in 1991: Do you how small Kanyama, Chibolya, Missing, bauleni, Madevu just to mention a few were 33 years ago. Life was normal in these compounds-few people and the population of Zambia was small both rural and urban. People started migration to cities after President Chiluba liberalized the economy every one thought it was easy to do business and get jobs in town . We saw great trek rural to urban but alas; no jobs, food and decent accomodation became inadequate. This number tripled late 90s and people have continually kept migrating bfrom rural areas. Now the government will need more food to feed people whose crops have been affected by drought. More area on ground affected this time than 1991 (6 provinces)

  3. Typical of pfool trying their misinformation tricks thinking Zambians are full. How can 4m people affected 33yrs ago be more severe than 6m people affected today? This complete stupid idiot logic!!!

  4. Mwamba’s observation is accurate. There was widespread crop failure, reduced food and water supply during the drought of 1991/92. The shortage of the maize staple cannot be compared to the current one that is the result of the UPND having prioritized profits over the welfare of majority Zambians. It was much more dire. As a result of that 1991/92 severe drought, even some wild animals in game parks died similar to what we have been watching in Northern Kenya and Somalia that have not received adequate rainfall for over three years. The drought of the early 90s affected large parts of Southern Africa. There was wide coverage of that drought in international media. I remember constantly following that on BBC whilst pursuing my masters in the UK. But I had first hand experience of the severity of the drought on my return. Dr. Guy Scott was Minister of Agriculture. He used his international networks to mobilize for relief maize. Yellow maize was again available for consumption a second time after this was earlier sourced from abroad by the UNIP government under similar circumstances in the 80s.

  5. In case praise-singers are still in doubt about the severity of drought and food shortages today, let them remember that Chief Government Spokesperson, Cornelius Mweetwa, has contradicted his boss by showing how much maize is still in FRA sheds. Cornelius says it is not that bad at all.

    • Matero Dr and your idiotic warped logic. 4m people affected cannot be more severe than 6m affected. There were more than 7m people then and 4m were affected which is less than 6m today. Ati whilst pursuing masters in the UK, Matero nomba yaba UK just to foolishly attack HH7? Ifisushi fyekafyeka idiot!!!!

    • He could be right. For people on the ground, farmers like me here on the Copperbelt acknowledge the severity of the drought but there is some hope that it might not be as bad as spoken on docial media.

  6. Emmanuel Mwamba is an over ambitious person who is fond of commenting on any issue, even on matters he doesn’t know and understand. His political gimmicks and hypocritical actions will take him nowhere. Each time he hallucinates he exposes his ignorance and hatred for president Hikainde Hichilema and UPND government.

    Please Emmanuel Mwamba be quick to hear and slow to speak, even a fool, when he keeps silent, he is considered wise.

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