Munir Zulu

By Hon. Munir Zulu MP

The current Speaker of the Zambian National Assembly is perhaps the first and last female Speaker to occupy that office for generations to come, Yes ! This is a woman that has allowed herself to be dented by her emotional decisions which she has refused to separate from her person as Speaker of the National Assembly of Zambia.

Madam Speaker would have allowed herself to be respected by the house from the year 2021 to 2026 without any member disrespecting her office or herself because of the decisions that she makes as a presiding officer of the house.

She has now lost respect from the both sides of the house because of her emotional decisions that are extremely partisan beyond those members of the right who equally get shocked with her rulings unfortunately.

Madam Speaker may not know that as members that interact with each other do talk and we agree on alot of the happenings and at the same time do disagree without emotions attached.

If at all madam Speaker had a genuine heart of impartiality, she should have asked herself one fundamental question, why is it that my deputy has earned the respect of the both sides of the house? Why is it that the house is full when am not presiding as Speaker? Your deputy has made the house as enabling environment for all to debate without engaging the members as prescribed by the standing orders!

Madam Speaker your failing to pronounce certain names of certain constituencies like kantanshi only exposes how you despise some sect of the house but ever willing to give them prominence just to appear balanced.

Madam Speaker you change rules that govern the house at your own will without consulting members but quick to announce that parliament made its own rules when you know for a fact that the rules applicable now where not adopted by the house.

Madam Speaker, you are quick to respond to any point of order raised by the members of the executive and act. Yet when complaints are brought to your office by members from your left side no response is given.

Madam Speaker what is currently protecting you is the judiciary that is not willing to deliver any ruling that is before court. Imagine if judgments are delivered against you when out of office and in your retirement? I personally as Munir do accept that you hate me with a passion but I don’t pay hate with hate madam and maybe its a reason I do not go to court when you suspend me and do not even challenge your decisions.

If I was to challenge your decisions in a just society, you know the genuine outcome! I am not a person that holds a grudge against people for long like the record file will show in your office that I once withdrew a complaint against a minister because you could not act.

Similarly you have tried to protect a minister whom I complained against but allowed him to put in a counter complaint so that I withdraw mine, but just to let you know that walls have ears am not withdrawing my complaint.

The people you have resolved to suspend are Hon Jay Banda, Hon Binwell, Hon Mundubile and myself . So go down in history as having suspended the most members of Parliament in two years if that pleases your heart madam.

I don’t mind being kept in one defunct committee for five years as that’s your prerogative as Speaker, I don’t mind not travelling like you or any member like Chabinga every other day to earn an allowance as I did not even know that parliament has such programmes before I was elected.

As I conclude madam Speaker, no matter how much you hate me, suspend me I hold no grudge against you but I feel sorry for you! What will you be remembered for? The first woman Speaker that suspended the most members that she despised? The speaker that made committees based on patronage? The speaker that chose who travels the most because of ethnicity? The speaker that chose to curtail debates ? The speaker that allowed members to be outside the chamber because of it being toxic? Or the speaker that suspends Munir after reading this? So after you read this when will you name me again? Since my last suspension was because of my genuine traditional attire which you detest!


  1. This boy I think is a regret by the voters. He has never spoken profoundly like a chosen MP for his people. He sounds to be the he is and his people seem to have respect for whatever he does and are happy.
    This is share waste of my vote.

  2. Rubbish Mr Zulu, you are behaving as a kid. To many people Nelly has performed. The injustices are just in your dirty mind. Do you expect the speaker to watch illegalities in order to please confused people like you. Let her work and if anything it’s you who must reform. You are not impressing anyone unless a fool like you. Sadly you aren’t showing any signs of being an HONORABLE !

    • Kamutanda how was the appointments ministers,DC , permanent secretaries, ambassadors,high commissions and other government departments? Stop nosense PF criminals divided this country no wonder upto now you are still promoting tribalism panyo pamako chikala stop misbehaving

  3. I may have been at variance with Munir Zulu my cousin at times due to his youthful posture, but on this one you are spot-on.
    This is the most shameless speaker doubling as cadre Zambia has ever had.

  4. Problem with the PF Mps and their surrogate independents want to deliberately disobey guidelines and when corrected cry the loudest. This crop of opposition Mps for 2021 to 2026 will go down in the history of the Zambia’s parliament as the most disorderly, disrespectful and incorrigible. Even writing such about the head of the legislature is another case of contempt which could attract sanctions. I feel sorry for madam speaker, she has been pushed too far.

  5. This boy needs a check up up stairs, his approach in the house is the one that attracts the way he is treated, with his behaviour, any person holding that position would still have treated him the same or worse
    People of Lumenzi must think twice next time otherwise l will be forced to stand in Lumenzi

  6. Some people seem to deliberately forget former Speaker Patrick Matibini. Because it suited them, Matibini was a good Speaker.Munir Zulu is an uncultured loud snob. It’s an unfortunate that elderly people like Brian Mundubile do not give this young man wise counsel, intead cheer him on. Munir Zulu has been a very bad representative for the good people of Lumezi. They ought to do better next time.Lumezi is full of mature and honourable men and women who would represent them better than this delinquent. They should never again be swayed by ill begotten money from imbeciles like Munir Zulu.

  7. Bushe uyu mwaiche nikwishilu afyelwe. Because he bahaves like he was born at the market surrounding garbage area by the mental woman

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