TO OPTIMISE operations, Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has fired three directors and a senior employee.

Those fired are director for road safety Alinani Msisya, director for transport Joseph Mumba and director of human resource Mundi Chibale Mwanza.

Janet Mumba, a procurement specialist, has also been laid off. RTSA chief executive officer Amon Mweemba said in an interview yesterday that the decision was made to attain organisational management renewal and direction.

“I can confirm that that is true. We have done that in order to re-orient management.

“I think we need management to move in a different direction. At the moment, we are going up and down like a yoyo, in terms of road deaths. We are not getting on top of it and as an agency we are not moving at all,” he said.

“In 2022, we had 2,240 people dead on our roads. Last year, we had 2,011 deaths. I mean, that is a very marginal reduction.”


  1. The annual road death figures of 2,240 and 2,011 cited are hanging. As absolute figures, they are not meaningful. They have to be calculated as a ratio of the number of vehicles on our roads. We’re not seeing much coordination between RTSA and RDA in terms ensuring that busy road junctions have signage. For example, on Kwacha and Manda Hill crossroads in Olympia Park and only a few metres from Parliament itself, that increasingly busy spot has had no signage for over 20 years.

  2. The purge continues.

    I am sure these individuals will get replaced with people from his village.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  3. No Tonga or Lozi fired! I smell a very a very big Koswe! Replacements have been ferried from some local radio stations in the Zambezi districts. Kaya!

  4. “I think we need management to move in a different direction”.

    I think we know what direction he means, towards people from his tribe.

    Vote very wisely in 2026, or you will have no jobs unless you are from his tribe.

  5. Let us just accept this unfortunate reality that every political party which has formed government in the past in Zambia has put its own tribes and people in government and parastatal organisations,embassies etc…except KK’s UNIP. The sooner we come to terms with this, the less “Chest Pains” we will have to endure. Come 2026 when or if this current Party is voted out of power the Party which will win will also lace and “jam pack” the government positions with their own tribes and people and purge out whoever they will perceive to belong to the defeated Party. It’s wrong but it is reality let us not be playing Holy Saints Saints everyday.

  6. The problem is we do not have traffic officers we have speeding officers. They care zero about road safety just about money that can be made with speed fines and road blocks.

    Illegal motorbikes also not helping with 90% of them driving without protection and most without a license

  7. Indigo Tyrol, I’m sorry to tell you that it’s possible you are mentally unwell dear. Try to visit chainama or any other mental hospital for a check up. Your hate for HH & UPND is alarming. However let me remind you that HH & UPND are still around for a longer period than you think. Yes HH may finish his 2 terms but UPND has still many years to rule. Just be content dear we don’t want you to die of heart problems.


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