By Peter Sinkamba- Green Party President



In law, “void ab initio” is a Latin phrase that means “void from the beginning.” It refers to a contract, agreement, or other legal instrument that is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable from the moment it was created.

In mind, I am looking at the hand over of instruments of power by 6th Republican President ECL to the 7th Republican President HH.

If the candidature of ECL in 2021 election is declared by the Concourt unconstitutional for want of eligibility, then the presidential election 2021 is void ab initio.

The key implication is lack of validity. A void ab initio election is considered to be without legal effect, as if it never existed.

In this case, the main reason for void ab initio is illegality. The election involves an illegal activity or purpose.

The consequence is no enforcement. The outcome of such an election cannot be enforced by either the winning of losing party.

In summary, “void ab initio” is a legal concept that renders an election invalid from the moment the nomination was accepted, with no binding obligations, rights, or remedies for either or all parties that participated in the election.

Looks like a thriller is in the making on 10th December 2024. We may be witnessing an iconic hand back of power in our lifetime arising from void ab initio.

Waiting patiently….


  1. Clearly as a bush lawyer Mr Sinkamba is waffling and bluffing in his assertions above. The 2021 elections were called by a constitutional order and imperative . This means that it’s the constitution that instructed the elections and not Mr ECL. The candidature of Mr ECL cannot invalidate the 2021 election called as dictated by the Constitution as it would be illegal. Mr Sinkamba should be allowed to dream in whichever way he feels so long it makes him feel good. The fact remains that the 2021 were order by a constitutional imperative and not at the behest of ECL. There’s no possiblity where the instruments of power can be surrendered to ECL . Even in the wildest POSIT that ECL should hand over power to the President elect whose election Victory is nullified the passage of three years would estoppel this decision for WANT of JURISDICTION. Such a decision as espoused by Mr Sinkamba would only be a Constitutional crisis not covered by the law .The CONCOURT would not hand over power to ECL as there’s no law backing that decision in the first place. BUT hey , MR SINKAMBA is dreaming!

  2. Unfortunately, the HIV medication this arsewhore Sinkamba takes has stopped working. That’s why the bastard is saying things that don’t make sense.

      • What dilemma is HH facing? Only deranged individuals like you are the ones in a dilemma. No law in the constitution will allow ECL to stand for the 4th time and be sworn in for the 3rd time. Wake from your nightmare/

      • Classical Chizombe ” utulo”! or is it Inspector Clouseau stupidity? Saw no legal consequences of his action?
        Katana,of course is right!!!

  3. Don’t forget that he is leading a part known as green party referring to ibange, lubanje, fwaka yachingoni, dwiiii etc. Sometimes people who takes that staff they over think even going to the extent of doing and saying issues which may perplex a beholder and a listener.

  4. So you guys have no other person or good learders with proper vision apart from Edger Lungu? The man never had businesses before he became president not until he found started stealing money meant for the people of Zambia. So all the opportunitists like Sinkamba, Nakachinda, Peter Chanda and many more have found fortune from this evil man

  5. Fwaka. Fwaaka! That’s why successive Zambian governments have not entertained Mr Sinkamba’s fwaka economic hallucinations. Hence his frustration.

  6. Ba Sikamba, stop misleading the public. If Mr. Lungu was ineligible to stand in 2021, his illegitimate participation doesnot in any way affect the presidency of Mr. Hichilema for the simple reason that he lost the contest.

    If he had won, then it would raise other issues because he would have been holding the office illegally. Your principle of “void ab initio” would then apply.

    Why are Mr. Lungu’s supporters glittery? They have been busy churning out articles on social media in rapid succession trying to confuse people and sometimes even threatening the Judiciary. The panic in Mr. Lungu’s camp is palpable.

    Mr. Sinkamba should just relax and wait for the verdict next Tuesday, 10th December 2024. The beauty of it is, it will be beamed live for all interested parties to follow.

  7. Smoking again..
    The only crisis is in your head and what you and your cohorts are trying to make it so that you force concourt to allow lungu to stand. Lungu was , is and always will be inelligible. He was merely an inelligible participant in the last election so has no bearing on the status quo as he never won. It’s only if he had won then we would have to go for a by election as he would have been deemed an illegal president.


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