Fumba Chama, otherwise known as Pilato, writes;
This one is my young brother, Musonda Chama. He never made any music with me and he was very innocent. He never shared his political views with anyone. He was just a silent citizen.
One day I woke up to calls from his friend. My brother was beaten and dumped in some garage somewhere in Chawama by intercity cadres. I was weak. I cried and I prayed. I was in Ndola and had no means to be in Lusaka that same moment. I called Auntie in Lusaka to find him, she was equally disturbed and went to look for the young man.
My brother Innocent Kalimanshi had just left the PF by then, so I called him to ask for help. He immediately knew who did it. They found my brother and took him to the police and reported the matter. The police explicitly said, they were aware of the incident but could not do anything about it. They confirmed that it was the PF cadres from the Intercity Bus Station that attacked my young brother. Mr Kalimanshi and Auntie left the police with my young brother in wounds.
He was beaten, robbed and dumped because he is my brother. He didn’t deserve any of this but evil knew no limits.
To everyone that voted against the PF, you simply voted for the safety of my family.
Thank you.