Emmanuel Mwamba


…Police must arrest Hon. Newton Samakai, Hon Elijah Muchima, Hon. Douglas Siakalima and Ms. Buumba Malambo if President Hichilema has to forestall faith in the fight against nepotism, tribalism, favouristim and regionalism…..

Monday-18th December 2023

The tribal and regional talk emerging in the country is extremely dangerous and threatens our peace, security and stability.

We have noted with deep concerns the statement issued by UPND Mwinilunga MP, Hon. Newton Samakai, where he is calling for the balkanisation of Zambia into provincial states.

Hon. Samakai appears to be reacting to the formation of a WhatsApp group called “Kumodzi ku Mawa” and statements issued by its promoters.

Hon. Samakai statement is clearly a crime against the Constitution as Zambia is created and promoted as a unitary state. We hope the Police will arrest him for calling for the division of Zambia.

Further, we are concerned by a statement issued and attributed to Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Dr. Elijah Muchima.

In this statement issued in Chongwe, Dr. Muchima has promised to give preference to UPND cadres and UPND members in government and Council land allocation.

This action is illegal and is promoting favouritism and against the law.

We must state without equivocation that the current tribal and regional talk has been festered by President Hakainde Hichilema’s own divisive actions through his tribal and regional appointments and utterances.

President Hichilema has also dismissed, suspended, retired or packed at Public Service Management Division (PSMD), public servants from specific regions.

To this end, Patriots for Economic Progress (PEP) President Sean Tembo, sued President Hichilema and contended that the appointments made by the President Hichilema to key positions such as the Judiciary, defence and Security wings, quasi government institutions and State House are regionally biased do not promote and achieve human dignity, non-discrimination, equality, national unity and cohesion and are in breach of Articles 8(b),8(d),91(3) (c), and 92(2) (1) of the Republican.

In his legal suit to the Constitutional Court, Mr. Sean Tembo contended that the appointments were illegal and unconstitutional.

We must add further, that the persecution that seems to be targeted against persons from certain regions and the subsequent favouritism of those from others has also created serious national anxiety.

For example, while Hon.Chishimba Kambwili was quickly arrested, prosecuted and jailed for alleged tribal and hate speech against a people, both Kafue Council Chairperson, Buumba Malambo and Minister of Education Douglas Siakalima have not been arrested and prosecuted for their grave and tribal remarks against a group of people.

It is important that President Hichilema takes seriously the One-Zambia, One-Nation project as the intention to pursue national building and achieve national unity is a constitutional and mandatory requirement.

The desire to create and promote a united Zambia despite its diverity, can never be achieved through mere rhetoric but through genuine concerted actions.

We must remind ourselves that Zambians created for itself a Republican Constitution that recognises and upholds the multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-religious, and multi-cultural character of our Nation and our right to manage our affairs and resources sustainably.

The people of Zambia also resolved that Zambia shall remain a unitary, multi-party and democratic sovereign State.

The people also pledged to recognise and honour the freedom fighters who fought for the independence of our Nation in order to achieve liberty, justice, and unity for the people of Zambia;

It is for these reasons that the Police must arrest Hon. Newton Samakai, Hon Elijah Muchima, Hon. Douglas Siakalima and Ms. Buumba Malambo if President Hichilema has to forestall faith in the fight against nepotism, tribalism and regionalism.

And we must be reminded that uniting this country is an existential imperative to arrest the threats emerging against the peace, security and stability of this country.

Issued by;
Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
Chairperson for Information and Publicity
Member of the Central Committee


  1. Yet Emmanuel Mwamba did not condemn those behind the Umodzi Kummwa and Kola Foundation. According to Emmanuel Mwamba there is nothing sinister in these tribal and regional societies, but is quick to open his big mouth against those who are checkmating those behind the Umodzi Kummawa and Kola Foundation This is hypocritical and Emmanuel Mwamba would do well to shut his big mouth shut.

  2. Emmanuel Mwamba your article contains nonsense. Stop defending PF criminals who harbour hatred for one Public Leader. You equally hate the same leader for his ascendancy to Presidency against your desire as PF losers.

    • Iwe useless Bob Mpombo always insulting citizens for no reason at all. Your masters do not even throw you crumbs yet you keep supporting their oppression and illegality. We will eject you in 2026.

  3. Hypocrisy and pretentious person with no sense of shame. When your people the Bembas talk about tribal association in the name of a foundation and others talk about regional development association it is normal and befitting. When someone from North Western talks about federal system of governance which is just a proposal it becomes a crime. God is watching the behaviour of certain tribes in Zambia who thinks Zambia is theirs and they are the ones who are smart and well organised.l one day they will turn this country in turmoil and proper disunity.

    Shame upon you Emmanuel Mwamba you are not wise but a talkative mouth without integrity and value to political discourse. Emmanuel Mwamba should learn to listen more and talk less.

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