UKA COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS MEETS…..approves three political parties to join the alliance



…..approves three political parties to join the alliance

Lusaka… Friday July 26, 2024 (SMART EAGLES)

The United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) Council of Presidents has considered and approved applications from three political parties to be members of the Alliance.

UKA Chairperson Commmuications Jackson Silavwe has named the political parties as Green Party of Zambia led by Peter Sinkamba, National Revolution Party, NRP- led by Cosmo Mumba and Revamp for Development Change, RDC led by Robert Chansa.

Mr Silavwe said with the addition of the three political parties the total number of parties in the alliance now stands at 16.

“Today (yesterday) the United Kwacha Alliance, UKA Council of Presidents convened to deliberate on a number of issues affecting the alliance and the Nation at large. At the meeting, the Council received a report from a sub-committee on the progress made regarding the registration of the United Kwacha Alliance and the way forward. A comprehensive statement will be issued to the general public on the registration process,” he said.

“Other matters considered by the Council of Presidents include, UKA Provincial activities, UKA Provincial mobilisation, UKA Resource mobilisation, UKA direct membership and voter mobilisation and protection among others. The meeting adjourned at 19:00hrs.”



  1. Yes this may be so but these parties must unify to form one party and elect one to stand as their President. Structures to be considered should look into cabinet selection of the future – apo ndipo there will be kafwafwa.
    My observation is that there is too much tribalists in this party UKA and if they want to strive, let them drop issues to do with regionalism calling others as Zambezi Region and yet they forget that the Imboila, Sakwiba and others, how will they feel?
    Again all these parties reminds me one thing, look at all the majority of it’s presidents, can Winter Kabimba and Fred Mmembe join? Can KBF freely join?

  2. What do you expect when losers regroup? Ama kula yapanga team ati yawine league. This UKA thing lacks stamina. In this team, tired Edgar is the goalkeeper, center back, midfielder and striker in the same game. He takes a corner and runs in the 18 box area to head the ball. He even throws the ball to himself. Imagine the drama.The others have no idea where they are and what they are doing in there.

    • Hakumazulo is just scared the plan to jail all potential presidential candidates plus the Chizombe plan might not be working!!!

  3. Wow ! I have learnt something from this site today. It is that Zambia is now divided into two by tribalists, namely the Zambezi region or provinces and the Tanganyika corridor.

  4. From the picture it seems your meetings are taking place in a kantemba somewhere. Is it by choice or you have run out of stolen funds.


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