16th April, 2024

This Sunday, 19th May, 2024, Dunamis Miracles Church will host a Special Prayer Meeting for the United Kwacha Alliance, UKA to Pray for our beloved Nation, Zambia.

All the alliance Presidents will be present at the Prayer meeting. UKA political parties members and supporters are encouraged to come in their numbers to seek the face of the Lord together with the leaders.

The Prayer Service will start at 10:00hrs. Thank you.

Silavwe Jackson
Chairperson Communications
United Kwacha Alliance-UKA


  1. When you dont have a message you will use every means to sell yourself. Even the church. Most churches dont want their pulpit to be used as a Political tool.
    So you now use people who mascarade as clergy while being politicans both for monetary reasons.
    Dan Pule has a Political party, with literary no members. But has a structure at a “Church” and this political being that he says he heads and is also a party of UKWA. How expedient. But what does he or any of those who really want to do for the Zambian people…it seems that they sole aim is to remove HH. Then what? Loot? Make their court cases go
    away? Rather self serving…and that is not the reason for public office. We say that in PF and who is paying the price? Zambians….

  2. Zambians should not be fooled by people using Christianity as a campaign theme. ECL messed up the economy with his cahoots. He had no message then and has none now except bitterness at one man that he looks down on HH. God watch over our president. LUNGU will never lead Zambia again.

  3. That’s the way to go…we need God in all we do..As you embark on the journey to free the country from tribal zealots and praise Thugs, Despotism and dictatorship , egotism and incompetence, and grand larceny, we need the grace of God each and every day. May God be with you..
    Let’s hope the Gestapo wont surround the church with armored police vehicles. They are capable of anything…scared of any assembly …but they can’t defeat the will of God .

  4. What a joke! A comedy of opposition leaders. Jobless people who can’t even run any business other that stealing. Leaders of laziness. God doesn’t hear prayers from lazy people. Pule closed his lodge in Safya ….can’t manage. And he wants to be president.

  5. The only agenda is to be in power for personal reasons, and not to improve the livelihood of the Zambian people.

    As for ECL, I am not sure why he would want to be in power again.

    • Though shall not use the temple of the Lord for evil and illegal doings. Woe to you and you. The heavens is watching your scorn inge.

  6. it will only be meaningful if the master thief shall just go there to confess. it will only be meaningful if the adulterous women, nawakwi and imboela shall just go there to confess


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