UPND as a party is failing to ran a simple Coucil like Kafue. What more of complex councils like Lusaka, Kitwe- Miles Sampa

Miles Sampa

By Miles B. Sampa,MP (06.11.2022)

Being a Mayor in Zambia is a big joke. Regardless of her transgressions, the Mayor of Kafue that was duly elected by the people of Kafue has been suspended by the Minister of Local Government that was equally duly elected by the people of Mazabuka.

As I keep saying, the UPND governments seems to have been envying all that PF did wrong and they dislike all that the PF did right. They copy and paste all the PF wrong deeds if not upgrade the acts like cadreism and violence. The case of opposition leader Jackson Silavwe and the by-election upgraded violence laced with abductions.

We saw the the Minister of Local Government Charles Banda that was elected by the people of Kapoche in Eastern province suspend Miles Sampa as a Mayor of Lusaka that was elected by 30 times more votes than the minister got in his constituency. The UPND and nations at large condemned that act. Today they have copied same act. The mayor and majority Councillors of Kafue districts were sponsored by UPND. So it means the UPND as a party is failing to ran a simple Coucil like Kafue. What more of complex councils like Lusaka, Kitwe, Chingola, Kasama etc

It’s time the UPND led government and ministers concentrate on coping and pasting the PF good deeds like medicine stocking in hospitals, fertilizer early distribution, drainage cleaning, roads maintenance, Kanyama & elsewhere in Lusaka floods mitigating measures preparations etc etc

This all before we can even start talking about the tangible good deeds of roads, hospitals and schools constructions.

At the moment I give them total pa total (10/10) in only copying and upgrading specific PF bad deeds while in government and to which we have admitted and regretted. Bena ni sundown ukukopela😊.

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