Sunday, 12th January, 2025.

“Ruling parties get intoxicated and confused  when we are heading towards elections.

“All manner of nonsense is embraced from perceived voting blocks.”

“Now the UPND is saying that it’s valid for Marketeers to have a desk at State House. So that what, pela?”

“So we will have desks for Marketeers, Drivers, Jerabos, Grave diggers, Barbers, Musicians, Chiefs, Teachers, Witch doctors, Born agains, Doctors, Bana chimbusa, i mean, where does it end?”

Recently, Busaka Mumalikechi Ne Mustation Women Group Chairperson, Mirriam Masando, gave Muchima a 24-hour ultimatum to tell President Hakainde Hichilema that traders want a desk to address their issues in State House, and in response State House Chief Communications Specialist Clayson Hamasaka says the request by marketeers to have a desk at State House was valid.

©️The Ballot | 2025.


  1. So has a desk for marketeers been opened at State House? Or this is just a pending request backed by a useless 24hr ultimatum?
    HH has a different leadership style from the late Sata who allowed marketeers a desk at State house. HH has already locked in the numbers for 2026 and does not need noise makers in his office. Marketeers have received CEEC and CDF loans. No need to duplicate effort.

    • True Bro’ indeed HH is already locked in huge numbers for 2026.

      Not in any panic mode. No intoxication.
      Just fine tuning for 2026… Chapwa!

    • Musonda,
      Those who got employed in the civil service and security wings, those who got free education, students who are getting meal allowance are from all over Zambia. Your shameless attempt to divide this nation will not succeed. 2026 is a no brainer. Just prepare to cry and gnash your teeth.

  2. What value will the Marketeers desk at State House add to the rest of the Zambians?
    Laura Miti sometimes serve your purpose and think. We all read this nonsense but thes warped ideas are what led to governments to sway and fail Zambians. We allowed every manner of silliness into the highest officers that the law, systems and sanity was set aside.
    Bane, until I excel at what I do, and what I do and my abilities help drive the national agenda who am I? We have a number of “riff ruffs” in Ministerial positions instead are now in prison cause they failed to appreciate systems and treated State Resources like personal chattle.
    We want to focus on status and not function. And will next form arguement to justify that. Does it make it right? Marketeers work, Pastors preach the word of good. Farmers work. Lets not love status lets love work and the joy work brings. We will enjoy the rewards of our labour. If you dont like what you are doing, find a vocation that does (bring joy to you). Money is not making Lusambo, Chitotela, GBM happy. Its naive to think that. Ultraistic….but think about it. Those of you that went to ZNS, during that time what was the first six months of basic training trying to do? Strip us to the basic humanity that we are, build who they wanted us to be. For whose benefit? (When we look back? Our own and the nation) They say hindsight is 20/20. Yes the older me realises that. In youth we dont appreciate the direction and advice of our parents.
    Mai Miti, you and the NGO on Women have been very quiet on the abuses of Bruce Mwape yet you speak about this irrelevant issue in manner that leaves people to enboldened about the issues. Next Emmanuel Mwamba and Nakachinda will think that is way. Yet our 2021 vote was against the instigation of such ideas. You are a human rights commisioner. If Marketeers have a human rights issue that is why you are there. Any other issues, there are relevant authorities who can address their issue. A desk at state house is not going to address inflation. Good systems will get the attention of those in office to address and speak to the issue. And some issues can not be sustitued with good education. Stick to your appointed position, you are failing in that regard madam. Women are being raped in Police station, are you following up to ensure that Cops are not just fired but imprisoned? No! Do your job and follow up as an activist on issues that border on human rights abuse.

  3. Jata Bulenge what’s Laura done to deserve your condemnation? It’s either you’re confused or didn’t understand what she’s talking about. I suggest you read her statement again and if you’re a gentleman apologize but if you’re an idyoti it’s okay you don’t have to
    Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  4. Laura’s concern is valid especially if the proposed Marketeers’ desk is established at State House. However on the side of the government, to say that the request is valid or invalid, in my opinion is just a premature response but not necessarily an intoxication or confusion. The respondent should have just said that the government will look into it, for example, these are issues that should be referred to the Cabinet meeting in order to get a balanced opinion. But Laura’s concern is about the outcome, in the event of the issue being approved, then the pandora box of desks will be opened. And in the end, we will have desks for Marketeers, Drivers, Jerabos, Grave diggers, Barbers, Musicians, Chiefs, Teachers, Witch doctors, Born agains, Doctors, Bana chimbusa, Farmers, mobile money dealers, Nurses, Retirees, Cross Border traders, Sex Workers, Charcoal Burners, Body Builders, Students, Cadres, Bus Drivers, Truck Drivers,Lawyers, Pilots, Boxers, the list is endless. In short, everyone will want to have a desk at State House and that will over whelming to Plot 1. But I feel Marketeers are adequately represented by their line Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, maybe they can have a desk there if they are not satisfied with the overall representation they have.


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