UPND ministers should confess their sins – Fr Mukosa
A CATHOLIC Priest, Fr Andrew Chewe Mukosa has chastised UPND Ministers, including Minister of Infrastructure, Urban and Housing Development Charles Milupi, to consider going to the mountains to confess their sins and reflect on their actions on how they are governing the country.
“Let them stop fighting the Patriotic Front. Let them fight the harsh conditions. Let them not concentrate on fighting Edgar Lungu or the Patriotic Front. Let them come and work for the people. Let them come to Luapula and fix
Another pfidiot with a cloth instead of doing what his calling following bishop satana instead!!!
Freemason can never confess.
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Is he a priest or PF Cader. Why are Catholics so nagging? Very nosey and irritating as of late. Confessing?
Father has Lungu confessed his sins? Have the PF been to confession to confess all their sins against the country and it s people and as for you Father you need to cross the border and climb up Mount Kilimanjaro to ask God s forgiveness for failing in your calling as a good shepherd to become a Pf cadre spewing politics from the pulpit.
This man will be sued like Munri Zulu. The Judgement not been made on the matter nor has the defence made their case. When do Priests think they are special.
We will all be judged and the standard of Judgement maybe even higher on Priests has they have an insight into the word of God.