Home bizarre UPND Mwinilunga MP Newtown Samakai’s calls for Federal States, must be supported

UPND Mwinilunga MP Newtown Samakai’s calls for Federal States, must be supported


Dear Editor,

Re: Newtown Samakai’s calls for Federal States, must be supported.

Since 1964, Zambia has had Presidents from mainly Eastern and Northern blocks. Except for LPM, the other regions have never tested the Presidency. Just once in 59 years, just 2 years of the Presidency being outside Noth-Eastern block, tribal foundations are being resuscitated and as a matter of urgency.

When Barotseland was pushing for its self rule, they were imprisoned. Because they don’t deserve freedom. Buy see now we have the Kola Foundation, we have the Umodzi Kumawa! This discussion is coming and it’s time we all became honest with ourselves.

The unity of this country relies on us all admitting and acknowledging our strengths and differences. The Federal system of government is long overdue. I stand with Hon Samakayi

  • EI


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