Home Court UPND SG Batuke Imenda Taken To Court For Calling Catholic Church Archbishop...

UPND SG Batuke Imenda Taken To Court For Calling Catholic Church Archbishop Lucifer

UPND Secretary General Batuke Imenda


.. Batuke Imenda to appear before Lusaka Magistrate court on 25th January 2023…

Lusaka- Thursday, 4th January 2023

Patriots for Economic Progress -PEP- President Sean Tembo has began a private prosecution against UPND Secretary General, Batuke Imenda.

The Lusaka Magistrate Court has since summoned Imenda for hearing.

Batuke Imenda is accused of issuing hate speech on or about 28th May 2023.

The audio circulation that went viral and press briefing held at the UPND Secretariat in Lusaka, did utter and publish on various media platforms hate speech language towards Archbishop Alick Banda by referring to him as “the Lucifer of Zambia.

Imenda is expected to appear before Lusaka Magistrate Nsunge Chanda on 25th January 2023.


  1. Lucifer is a good name God gave to a Senior Angel!
    Lucifer means Prince of Light!
    When Lucifer fell, he ceased to be Prince of Light and became Prince of Darkness!
    So, my cousins who don’t have enough names, feel free to name your children Lucifers!
    Lucifer is a holy name given to Lucifer before his fall!

  2. Whatever goes round comes round. In a short time you will be coming to we (the so called ba Lucifer the Catholics for votes). Be assured we will give the votes of thanks for calling us Lucifers more than 13 million are catholics in Zambia and in places where UPND does not even exist or visit but the Catholic is there.
    If the courts let him scotch free , once there is a change of government, the people of good will, will sue him . Anyone being prosecuted or marginalised or silence do not fear or be ashamed. It’s their time and let them enjoy and rejoice. The beginning is here and the end is near
    PF dominated every blog site in Zambia , today is UPND who are constantly perpetuating insults against those they feel and see as imaginary enemies or less Zambians and them pure and powerful Zambians who have absolute power, voices , knowledge, wisdom and they are alpha and omega. What a shame

    • Pafwenamwine you are not Alick Banda to speak on his behalf. Secondly you don’t keep or own voters cards for all Catholics in Zambia bwana. Tell your Alick Banda to be non partisan.

  3. I think this is political. A man of God also need to choose words to use in public. Even the so çalled angels when they misbehave, God does did quickly removed them from his leadership.
    What is the Genesis of this Batuke issue? Did he call all Catholic priests? Some clergymen are not God called. NB. Jesus had 12 disciples and only one of the 12 turned against him to an extent of selling him for 3 pieces of silver. I trust even in The body of priests are genuine ones and others have the spirit of Judas Escariots who are after denting the church of God.

  4. Isaac, when power clouds and corrupt your mind, you will abuse it even when there is room for compromising. imende will go in history as the greatest fool to start the Catholic Church.
    More importantly HH will be remembered as , the greatest encyclical and encouraging person. The powerful man uses his powers to create a world around him better and inclusive for everyone. A powerful person uses his power to bridge the divide to ensure the measure of his power is used a tool for peace, tranquility, justice and prosperity
    A powerful person uses his power to creates the space where people can express their feelings, views without fear so that when he assembles his people charged with looking after the affairs of his people can learn , reflect and understand what their people are feeling or want.
    Any powerful person who fails to listen even to the voices of those with different views or opinions there end is doomed or bad.
    Why making the same mistakes PF made which you Mr President witnessed and heard and spoke about. The called Archbishop Mpundu names when he supported and spoke on your behalf. Today you have forgotten easily and castigate the same Church and its leaders and followers who campaigned and supported you?
    Will never forget what imende said and will pay you kindly. As long as you do not apologise sincerely be it will meet on the battle grounds but we will welcome to our churches and bless you abundantly with good health but no votes

  5. Alick banda and mpundu maybe they deserve such names in order to stop them from barking any how,these two don’t qualify to be men of God but just shrine sculptures

  6. Ignorance at play in an idiot called Tembo, @Chikubabe has proper knowledge of who Lucifer is, but an idiot wants to abuse the Courts out of ignorance. Any serious researcher will discover that Lucifer is not what Satan T wants to imply. STUPID IDIOT.

  7. Social media contains a lot of hate speech.CK is the first person to go behind bars for the same.Who will be the second ? Will IB follow suit ? Let us just have love and respect for each other as a nation.Is it fashionable today to relate barking to talking .A dog barks,so this is offensive language.Of we can differ but we have to choose words to use.Imenda did not mean well when he called the man of God Lucifer as some people seem to suggest.Cadreism has brought more harm than good in Zambia to say the least….from Berlin

  8. It was unwise for Mr. Imenda to refer to Bishop Banda as the Lucifer of Zambia.

    As UPND SG, he needs to maintain his composure when everyone else is losing it. His role is to secure every vote and not to stir unnecessary controversy. We know where Bishop Alick Banda loyalty lies. There is no need for the SG to engage in name calling.

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