Home Politics PF VIDEO: Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba Speaks To Illegal PF Extraordinary Ordinary General Conference...

VIDEO: Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba Speaks To Illegal PF Extraordinary Ordinary General Conference Taking Place At Mulungushi International Conference



Patriotic Front Spokesperson and Member of the Central Commitee, Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba reacts to reports that a state supported function is being held at Mulungushi International Conference Centre by suspended Member of Parliament by Miles Sampa.


  1. Hakainde is just bringing a lot of problems on to himself, this is very clear it’s him behind all this. Zambians are sleeping hungry he has failed to do anything about it and now he’s irritating Zambians even more. Its the end of ka Sampa, he’s very dull person, even when he looks at himself which normal people can he lead. But what Hakainde should know is that Zambia is not a one party state it’s multi party. If he has failed to rule let him just resign and give chance to others. Late Kaunda warned Zambians about Hichilema, this is the outcome now! This is not good for the country because it can bring a very big war if the other side reacts! And Sampa won’t have anywhere to run to , Hakainde has a home abroad he will just on a plane.

  2. Nabafilwa ukuteka baleke fye PF yeka! Tempering with PF won’t correct the economy. What Hichilema should know is that even in Upnd a lot of his party officials and ministers are not impressed with his one man show leadership. Actually most people in the country are very disappointed and annoyed with him his leadership and they are “this is how Tongas are , selfish, ruthless . . . no more a Tonga as president . . .”! That has closed the door even for other tribes allied with Tongas, Lozis, Kaondes, Lundas, Luvales etc. Hichilema has finished himself on this one! Its over for him! As for ka Sampa nobody will ever have any regard for him, hes a traitor and useless person.

  3. It’s the end of ka Sampa. Hichilema also is just being hated more by people of Zambia! He hasn’t leant from the mess he has caused in Kwacha and Kabushi constituencies. One man cannot fight all the people of Zambia! Even powerful super Ken Kaunda tried it, but one day the powers ended because he could not over power all the Zambians!

    • You mean PF Zambians who have loved president HH? You have always hated president HH so there’s nothing new here. Please don’t blame anyone for this confusion in your party, PF created it’s own problems and they should just accept the responsibilty for the mess we are seeing.
      Just to remind you, this similar incident even happened in 2015 when PF was in power were there were two factions of one former president ECL and the other for Miles Sampa so please learn to take responsibility for problems you create yourselves.

  4. Since Independence takwa chitika po ifya bupuba kwati ifi ifya ka Miles Sampa. Fya bupuba! Very childish. Only adults with chidish minds can behave in this way. Adults who never grow and will never grow.

  5. Ba Mukuka, ba Mandanda naba Manganga, why are you so quick to blame HH and UPND for the confusion in PF? Grow up and take full responsibility for the mess.

    PF has been without a president for over two years. Is this due to HH? You collected K200000 from each PF presidential candidate but no convention has been held for over one year. Is it because if HH and UPND interference?

    PF have created fertile ground for confusion themselves. Mr. Mukuka, Mr. Mandanda and Mr. Manganga should not blame the ruling party.

    But then PF never accept responsibility for anything.

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