Lusaka-26th December, 2021
The Central Committee of the Patriotic Front met today to among other things consider applications for adoption as Member of Parliament for Kabwata Constituency for the forthcoming Kabwata Constituency by-election slated for 20th January, 2022.
The meeting was chaired by Hon. Given Lubinda who is now the Party’s Acting President during the transition period as the Party awaits the election of the new Party President at the next General Conference.
We received four applications from Messrs Clement Tembo, Patrick Mwape, Gabriel Kibombwe and Ms. Nalishebo Sinyama. After long deliberations and due consideration, the Central Committee has decided to adopt Mr. Clement Tembo as the candidate for the Patriotic Front in the Kabwata by-election.
The Central Committee is confident that Mr. Tembo is the right candidate for Kabwata Constituency because not only is he a popular grassroots politician in Kabwata but he has the necessary competency and passion to represent the people of Kabwata Constituency in a patriotic and effective manner as Member of Parliament.
The Central Committee has also appointed Hon. Raphael Nakachinda as the Party’s campaign manager in Kabwata. He will be assisted by Hon. Mwimba Malama.
We wish to thank the other three aspirants who participated in the adoption process for their commitment and loyalty to the Party; they have all pledged to work hand in hand with our chosen candidate in order to deliver Kabwata to us.
As Patriotic Front, we pledge to conduct peaceful campaigns devoid of any form of violence, insults or intimidation and we hope and pray that our opponents will equally follow suit.
Compliments of the season and wishing you all God’s blessings.
Issued by:
Hon. Nickson Chilangwa, MP, AIH
Acting Secretary General