But in there time Chili was typically PF. The lady even ran away after 2021 results were announced. They were all PF.
ECL himself in the video as you know he is up side down, disclosed that senior staff at ECZ were surprised that HH was leading and they were clearly loosing.
To day you accused Hon. Mposha. Where are the ballot papers? If they were able to steal money and phones WHY NOT BALLOT papers as proof.
Badya chani? Baoneka nakuta!
HH7 mpaka 20 sate 1 plus third term.
But in there time Chili was typically PF. The lady even ran away after 2021 results were announced. They were all PF.
ECL himself in the video as you know he is up side down, disclosed that senior staff at ECZ were surprised that HH was leading and they were clearly loosing.
To day you accused Hon. Mposha. Where are the ballot papers? If they were able to steal money and phones WHY NOT BALLOT papers as proof.
It’s all lies because they smell a loss!
HH7 mpaka 20 sate 1 and beyond.
Look at those bellies! Stop yapping and start exercising!!
Exactly my thoughts. Why are our politicians so unhealthy?
We need to tackle this prevalence of obesity in Zambia. I just can’t help noticing and commemting on their wide girths.
As they say Pride goes before the fall….