VIDEO: If HH had been consulting me, they would have not made so many mistakes – Edgar Lungu



  1. To consulting the Gasser, tribalist, thugger, and corrupt leader like Edgar lungu is share wast of time, this man brought country into this mess.someone who failed grade seven for seven times can not be consulted boss.Good morning bystander my brotherman I miss your posting.

  2. You should first tell us your achievements before you cry to be consulted. Otherwise what we know is that you put us into this mess we are in by recklessly over borrowing, defaulting on Eurobond, you gassed and killed many innocent people, you failed to pay retirees, you withdrew university students meal allowances, you officially allowed cadrerism in markets, bus stops and government offices. You were chewing part of peace keepers’ allowances, your ka 1.6 million CDF had no impact on any development, you failed to implement free education, the list is endless. Which sane person can go to consult a person who was worse than him?

  3. I would advise HH to keep well clear of Mr. Lungu. What advice can Mr. Lungu give HH after totally destroying our country?

    Mr. Lungu drove us to the bottom of the Mariana trench and it will take not less than 10 years for us to break to the surface and breath fresh air again.

    HH would do well not to touch Mr. Lungu even with a 10m pole. He is extremely radioactive, very destructive. Failure is highly contagious.


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