VIDEO: KBF urges residents in Kawambwa to vote for the Tonse Alliance candidate, Dunstan Mwansa



  1. Are you talking to young boys and girls under 5s? People know what all those you are mentioning have cases.

    Why they are from one side North or East because the whole government was all from Northern or Eastern.
    They were the controlling officers of kulya mwibala as the order of the day.
    Development by UPND in Kawambwa is not there because Chilangwa didn’t want to improve the constituency so that people are against UPND. It is Chilangwa to blame.

    Are you sure CDF Itaifika?

    Sorry Kawambwa people want development through UPND Government.
    HH is not mwinsa he is a ZAMBIAN.
    KBF you’re worsting your time.

  2. He is talking like he loved PF if he did WHY did he leave to form his one man Party.

    Ba KBF even if you don’t adopt them THEY will all be adopted by UPND and sail thru’ without waves. Infact you will make life easier for UPND.

    Lungu is no more anyway!

    Tonse Alliance to rule Zambia? Maybe when all is dead!

  3. Ba Kawambwa ishibukeni, uyu KBF, nashala neka party arm chair critic emibepa nakalya.A ma case ya ku ma court they were police cases which you know better.Listen to Elvis Nkandu his team epela.This KBF wants to mislead you by giving Zambians fake narratives and ubufi bweka bweka alefwaya fye ku mibepa ububi sana.Please reject tribal talks and regionalism ifyo fyakale fya ku federal.One Zambia one people.Ni hatred fye a lelanda po uyu.Mu mumfwila uyo wa bufi.Kale a tampile ifya mutundu.Awe twa kana ifwe abena kawambwa a le misekesha ko fye uyo ta ali serious uyo.Ale fwaya bu vice president umupando wa ba Nalumango, a le umfwa fye jealous .Ba HH ba lipela ba Mutale Nalumango a bakwete Mano ba mayo wesu elo twa li ba temwa sana.Takuli na plan B elemibepa sana uyo.Ni wama boza uyo.Afuna chabe ku nama.To day he is talking like PF he ran away from.He is talking TONSE he wants ku chimfya Tembo umwine wa party ba lebomfya kabili ali ishiba ba ECL ta ba ka iminine iyo.Alefwaya ku chansing’a uyo.Ale fwaya ku filila munsenga uyo KBF.A litemwa fye ifyongo.UPND e party yenu ya chitemwiko.

  4. If Chilangwa is a close relative of each and every Kawambwa registered voter then UPND has no chance in this election. Should the Kawambwa electorate buy the opposition’s fake narratives and promises (if they have any at all) and vote in the Tonse Alliance candidate, it will not be long before they regret their wretched choice.


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