These are people who worked for the party and helped it form government.


  1. Things are not well in our country.

    Anyone that complains gets arrested or worse.

    I pray this lady is not abducted or charged for hate speech. But we know he will come down on her like a tonne of bricks.

    To them, no one vote for him in office except those from his tribe.

    Ala nalunya.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • How do you blame a councilor’s stupidity on the UPND leadership?
      You were promising that you will look after people before being given the position but once given you grow horns. Is that the fault of the party president?
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  2. Awe mayo mwalanda, Intungulushi shileumfwa. Tapali ubwafya. In my mother language Tonga/Ila we say, people see your problems more than you but you feel your problems more that them. Twatotela mayo.

  3. UPND as a party we can easily lose direction if we always rash and resort to social media. Social media cannot and shall not solve our problems. It’s therefore prudent to use proper and appropriate channels whenever we are faced with problems. Some people in the party are being reprimanded because of such emotional moves. This lady is complaining about lack of help from the party but the party doesn’t become a bad party for not helping one person. As people, before we even look to the party for help, we have our neighbors, family members and relatives, then we have church members, these are the ones in the front line whenever we are befallen with such disasters. But I don’t mean that the president or the party cannot help, they can help but let’s start with those in the frontline. The President and the party attend to the whole country and rarely to individuals. Imagine the president helping everyone in whose house he had a meal if it’s burnt, is that not a difficult task for him? If the Councillor is not seen, you can try the MP as well, but honestly speaking, we just abuse our leaders because such issues are a responsibility of the DMMU. Moreover such videos can be stage managed by opposition or the enemies of UPND.
    My advice to the poor lady is that in case she has not received any help for her burnt house, let her try to apply for grant from CDF as a short term and immediate measure. Then she can approach the office of the Vice President through DMMU, I am sure she will be assisted. It’s a pity we just think of the President whenever we want help and yet we can get even more help from the Office of the Vice President. Where, when and if possible, we should be ensuring our houses and other properties so that we get assisted in such unexpected calamities.

    • Ba Citizen,

      Most people go to social media as a last resort, after they have tried proper channels and have been ignored. That is the truth.

      Hakainde has surrounded himself with “yes bwana” boot lickers that have isolated him from what is happening on the ground. That is the reason he is convinced that everyone is happy with him and cost of living is better than he found it. They tell him that the USD is now K1, and ubunga is now costing K50 like he promised. The man has no idea at all how badly people are suffered. There is never any load shedding at community house either.

      People are fed up.

      Vote wisely in 2026.

      • This woman is decampaigning the Party. The Party doesnt help indivduals. She stood on a party ticket to drive party driven government programs.
        The government programs that help the people are working. So what does she want? She is being paid an allowance for the work she does. Money for what? Another misguided politican who thought Politics is a means to get rich. Politics is about serving people, a vehicle by which the aspirations of people are met.

  4. You’re a disgrace. The whole country is praising HH7 including your MPs why can’t you for once sit your ass down and reflect what’s going on?
    Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

    • You are deluded. You are the among the yes bwana people feeding false information to your supreme leader.

      Carry on insulting voters.

      Vote wisely in 2026.


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