We are challenging the Kwacha, Kabushi by- elections- Given Lubinda


THE world has not seen the end of this matter regarding the Kabushi and Kwacha by-elections because we are challenging the elections, PF acting president given Lubinda has said.

Mr Lubinda said they would not allow the decimation of the institutions of governance at the rate at which they were going in this country.

He said they have confidence in institutions of governance and it was their duty to make sure that these institutions redeemed themselves so that they could continue enjoying the confidence of Zambians.

“Once Zambians lose confidence in the institutions of governance, we’ll all pay the price,” he said.

Mr Lubinda said the UPND played tricks and made sure that there were multiple cases in different courts over the same issue.

He said the situation was worrying because even the day before the by-election when the Court of Appeal was to have a hearing regarding the same election, there was a letter from the Chief Justice directing that all the cases involving the Attorney General should be adjourned.

But on the same day the Constitutional Court sat and gave a ruling in a matter in which the Attorney General has an interest, Mr Lubinda said.

“You can clearly see that it was a ploy because the matter was being adjourned without a party coming to plead and give reasons why they want a matter to be adjourned” he said.

He said the PF as a party were going to question why the Court of Appeal decided to mislead the party.

Mr Lubinda if the Court of Appeal had told them that they had no power to stop that by-election the party would have sought for other avenues.

He also said the UPND have the Kabushi and Kwacha parliamentary seats but only on a temporary basis because the PF would soon regain their seats.


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