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We’re Still Waiting To Hear From Mr Fred Namakando M’membe As To Which People He Consulted Over The Barotseland Issue- Mupishi Jones

Fred M'membe


Authored By Mupishi Jones

Mr Fred Namakando M’membe wrote ” As a political party,we have made enough consultations over the name Barotseland with people from this region.

All the people we have consulted want to revert back to the name Barotseland.On day one or two of the Socialist Party government,a statutory instrument will be signed to restore the name Barotseland”.

On this one we respectfully called Mr M’membe a liar and we went further to challenge him to name any Chief from the none Lozi speaking dialect whom he consulted and agreed with him.Todate,Mr Fred Namakando M’membe has not mentioned any.

We further informed him that equally we have made enough consultations over the matter of Barotseland especially from the none Lozi speaking dialect people and all of them have said they were not part of that agenda and they’re still not part of it todate .As a matter of fact, they’ve refused to be drawn into the Lozi speaking dialect people’s politics and vowed to side with the government’s position of Zambia being a unitary state.

We are here placing before Mr Fred Namakando M’membe evidence of what we are talking about and we hope he’ll also present similar evidence of the people he consulted.
I submit

Mupishi Jones


  1. On whose behalf are you speaking? You’re also just like Namakando, just expressing your opinions. Some of those letters you are using to advance your views on this matter are from organizations which officially don’t exit.

  2. Fred mmembe caught with his pants off like the bishop in matero. I assume mmembe is now running to the wall fence to try and get out.

  3. Nkoya and Mbunda people dont seat at the high table of the Barotseland royal establishment. That is the reason they always seem to side with enemies of the kingdom.

    • To the contrary they actually do. Unfortunately those who speak on behalf of those two tribes have never had a meeting to get the views of the people they claim to represent. They are not even known.

  4. Some so called learned persons have apparently become the most foolish and confused in Zambia, simply because they have taken themselves as the most and only intelligent ones in the nation. They are now like naked fools who don’t realize that they are naked.

    • I agree with you. Look at the so called renowned constitutional lswye, then the so called historian / researcher, and the newspaper man. Are all no longer helpful to the nation as expected of them.they are just a source of confusion

      • This is what happens when you are greedy or your motives are not genuine or sincere. When people come out to speak in the public’s interest, their convection and content of their speech must reflect that. Not the malious intent and greed that regins their hearts.

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