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When Kambwili’s saviour is Hichilema


When Kambwili’s saviour is Hichilema

Hate him or like him, the news that President Hakainde Hichilema has authorized the evacuation of the ailing opposition leader, Chishimba Kambwili, to India is elating.

According to ZNBC, consent for the evacuation has already been granted and all that remain are the formalities before Mr Kambwili leaves for India.

The magnanimity shown by President Hichilema, towards one of his fiercest critics – who has called him a tribalist, a failure and all manner of expletives – is how it should be.

There should be no politicking on matters of health because life is not to be trifled with, regardless whose life it is and what they’d done.

That is why at this time that Zambia is grappling with the ravages of cholera, we expected the opposition to hold hands with the government, especially after the President announced that he was cutting short his holiday to lead from the front.

And there he was – announcing that the government had procured vaccines while outstanding volunteering personnel were shown gratitude with full time employment on the spot.

With each passing day, officials from the Ministry of Health, led by Minister Sylvia Masebo, are literally camped at the national cholera centre, the Heroes Stadium, where admission numbers have drastically dropped.

The opposition, however, is desperately looking for cheap political capital, addressing press briefings in their air conditioned offices and heaping all the blame on the doorstep of President Hichilema who, with actions, is demonstrating how the disease should be fought.

As for Mr Kambwili, we are wishing him total recovery.

We actually want him to recover very quickly so that he is fitter than before.

We want him to tell the tale of how his foe facilitated his evacuation to India when few, including himself, perhaps ever expected such a gesture of Biblical proportion.



  1. Father forgive him, for he didn’t know what he was saying. We just hope he has repented now and he just needs to be strengthened in his brotherly love and faith. CK should never again allow that tribalism demon to torment him again because it wants him to die in sin. Our fore Fathers put the love and the unity of this nation above everything and managed to work together and left a better and peaceful country for us, we should also do the same. Well done Mr. President and continue with this spirit.

  2. Personally, l feel he is the luckiest convict in the world, in the previous regime, this convict was given a person to holder as a convict to go and campaign, now the convict is being evacuated while his conviction is running giving a possibility of him serving without being in prison depending on how long the healing process will take, l hope he has not cut a deal through Mingalato to serve outside prison. Lucky convict.

  3. If it was HH alone Chishimba Kambwili did not like, I would have left as mere political talk. But it’s the entire Tonga tribe. Chishimba Kambwili crossed the line of decency in politics.

  4. Personally, l feel he is the luckiest convict in the world, in the previous regime, this convict was given a person to holder helicopter as a convict to go and campaign, now the convict is being evacuated while his conviction is running giving a possibility of him serving without being in prison depending on how long the healing process will take, l hope he has not cut a deal through Mingalato to serve outside prison. Lucky convict.

  5. The trouble with Kambwili is he only cares about himself. All these kind gestures mean nothing to him when he gets well. Remember the apology to the Tonga chiefs and what happened when Lungu tasked him to champaign for him in 2021. I hope and very seriously this is not laying a plot for a presidential pardon. Mr. President don’t even consider to think about it.

  6. H.H is an elder in the church, he doesn’t look at issues like a just an ordinary person but looks at issues like a Christian..no wonder he is treating any Zambian equally, our President doesn’t look at tribe. Our beloved President, please let others learn from your humility especially those that are in public offices who can not give you a lift unless you pay.

  7. It is good Mr. Kambwili is being evacuated to India for specialized medical attention.

    However, let us not begin to assume that he owes the President an eternal debt of gratitude. I have no problem with Mr. Kambwili criticising the President but he should do so in measured tones, in a responsible and respectful manner. Our politicians seem to think that sarcasm and uncouth language is what will win them votes.

    It is the responsibility of the sitting government to take care of its ailing citizens, Mr. Kambwili included. What I would like to see is the government improving our medical facilities to the extent we won’t need to evecuate anyone so that these facilities are accessible to the general public instead of politicians getting preferential treatment when it comes to such matters. Iam sure there are lots of patients waiting to get specialized treatment abroad and they have been waiting for a long time, but Mr. Kambwili, because of his status as a vocal politician has jumped the queue.

  8. Luke 6:27-36 NIV

    27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

    We just hope CK can drum some sense in ECL to engage in politics of peace and civility when he is back!
    We don’t cherish divisive politics of character assassination!
    We should remember the importance of mutual respect in public life! The person you insult publicly is a husband, a father, an Uncle, an Employer etc! You don’t undress your father in public so don’t undress someone’s father in public!
    In life, respect everyone!
    Your worst enemies tend to become your best friends, and your best friends tend to become your worst enemies!
    Get well ba CK and bravo to our President for the magnanimous gesture which no one should try to gain cheap political mileage out of!

  9. My problem is that Kambwili has bragged about his wealth and surely cannot fail for his treatment anywhere in the world. With his high blood pressure if anything happens to him because of compressed pressure in an aero plane, God forbid, we will hear how the PF will turn around claiming Miles and this govt led CK to a slaughter house. Jambwili has lots of properties, if no ready cash he could easily have sold some to meet his treatment overseas. Ordinary Zambians sold their only retirement properties to seek medical treatment abroad. Yes he is a Zambian and entitled to receive govt help but he is not a vulnerable person; . additionally, the ECL led PF which sponsored him has money which they are using to sponsor so many political hooliganism masquerading as opposition political party presidents to mock the current govt. I wish him quick recovery so that he serves his jail term, praying that his appeal is thrown out and jail term extended.

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