Dr. Chishimba Kambwili
Why do we pay road tax ?
We pay road tax as a contribution to the government, this tax is supposed to be used for projects such as, highway maintenance, general road works and rehabilitation. We pay road tax to help secure our safety on the roads, where does the money for road tax go ?
Why do we pay toll fees ?
We tediously have to remove our own money from our pockets whenever we are on the road, surely all the billions generated from tollgates can’t be used to rehabilitate the great north road ? Or perhaps I am missing something here, where does the money for toll fees go if not for the intended purpose of road development ?
I am advising the minister of transport, it isn’t about road blocks, it’s about utilizing the money you raise from your citizens in order to build them better and safer roads.
Look at where the money goes and you will find the solution.
If you are serious about saving peoples lives, please utilize the very money they pay through road tax and toll fees.