Home Politics APC Will the formation of Political Alliances be trusted again in the near...

Will the formation of Political Alliances be trusted again in the near future following the outcome of the UPND Alliance?- Nasson Msoni



Will the formation of Political Alliances be trusted again in the near future following the outcome of the UPND Alliance ?

The answer is an emphatic No.

Undoubtedly it will be extremely difficult in future to convince political leaders to work together for purposes of presenting a Unified and inclusive front.

In the context of the fragmentation of political parties in Zambia, Political Alliances seemingly make a good case of reducing the splitting of votes and in presenting an inclusive national unity image preferred by the majority voters.

Whereas as political Alliances are undoubtedly the future of Zambian politics but it is the individuals ultimately chosen to the leadership of the Alliances who cannot be trusted.

Political Alliances are not provided for in the Republican constitution and as such this leaves the other constituting political parties completely vulnerable to political manipulation and deceit by the chosen sponsoring political party.

Ultimately the chosen sponsoring political party upon winning the elections exclusively claims credit for itself to the exclusion of other constituting political parties and worse still refuses to share responsibilities. Political Party Alliances in essence are real power sharing entities.

Overpowering other political parties upon winning the elections is short lived political victory and in essence is exercising poor judgment as the power base rapidly shrinks. The voters clearly see through the insincerity and the treacherous behavior of the party that was elected on the basis of belonging to an Alliance.

Political Alliances are meant for honest and trustworthy individuals. They’re forged on the basis of a gentleman agreement as they’re not provided for in the Republican constitution.

In a nutshell the concept of a true successful Alliance should hinge on the integrity and credibility of the chosen flag bearer.
Nasson Msoni
All Peoples Congress ( APC)



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